Cheater? (2)

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A/N SOOOO Sorry for the long chapter, I thought I could get this story told in two chapters but it seems It will need 3 chapters, thank you for being patient. 


"What did he mean he will wait for you", Jimin asked on the end of the phone. "I dont know, but it creeped me out, oh hang on someone is at the door", I say setting the phone down and answering it. "Here ya go sir", the delivery man says handing me a bouquet of roses. "Who was it", Jimin asked. "Someone sent me flowers", I say. "Kook", Jimin asks. 

"Doubt it", I say angrily. I pull the card, "they are from Kai, let me call you back I have to get rid of these." I hang up and grab the flowers, throwing them in the garbage can out back, not that I really care if Jungkook sees them but I dont want to give him any fuel.

"Yeobo, I'm home", I hear Jungkook say. "Yay", I say to myself. "Where are you", he asks. "Right here", I say walking into the living room and sitting on the chair. I hear him sigh, "its amazing how things have changed the past few months, I remember coming home to hugs and kisses, too I love you and I miss you's, now I am lucky if I get a hello."

 I stand, irritation searing me from the inside out, "did you really just say that, the man I married and fell in love with got the hugs and kisses, the I love you's and I miss you's, but he gets it from someone else now, so I am no longer obligated to say such things." 

"Yeobo, there is no one else, why wont you believe me", he pleads, tears falling down his cheeks. My phone pings and when I look at the screen I see an unknown number, I open to see a text...

? - Do you miss me yet, because I miss you a lot

Bile rises in my throat, how did he get my number, "Seokjin, why wont you believe me, I love you, only you, I am home now, no more working late, no more trips." "Yea and no phone calls telling me where you are, Nari giggling on the phone when I try to call you, fuck you Jungkook, she may buy your bullshit but I dont, not anymore", I say grabbing my keys and walking out.

 "Does he really think you are just going to believe he's not cheating, all the sign are their, Id kick your ass for not believing it", Jimin says as I sit on his couch. "You can stay here tonight, clear your head", he says. A knock at the door makes me stand, "that better not be Jungkook." Jimin opens the door and no one is there, he looks around but doesn't see anyone, "that's weird." "I am going to go take a bath", I say. "Take this", he hands me a glass and bottle of wine. The hot water feels good, and the wine tastes incredible, after 3 glasses I know I should get out but I am so sleepy now.


"Kook, just let him stay here tonight, he needs a moment to himself, you have fucked up everything between you two, you can't just expect him to forget everything so easily", Jimin says on the phone. "But I didn't cheat Jimin, I swear, you know I would never, I love him too fucking much, if I tell you something will you promise to keep it a secret", I say pleading. "What Jungkook", he asks annoyed. "I am surprising him with a trip to Hawaii, where I want us to renew our vows, that's part of the reason I have been working late, that and Namjoon is an asshole", I say. 

"Kook, I believe you, I never thought you would hurt Jin, you two are what couples strive to be like, but you have made a lot of poor choices lately and they have hurt Jin a lot, enough so that he thinks you are cheating", he says. "I know and I feel horrible about it, but I really want to surprise him Jimin, will you help me please", I beg. "I'll do what I can Kook, just give him tonight and I will send him home tomorrow morning and you better straighten up and start acting like his husband again", he scolds me. "I will I promise", I say. 

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