Welcome to Earth

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He was definitely sitting up straighter than he had earlier. And his breathing was different. More even.

"Hello? Who are you?"

I heard a muffled reply, but I couldn't figure out what the figure had said. I also didn't recognize the voice, which was strange. I knew almost everyone that lived in the area, even if I didn't talk to them.

I walked over to him and yanked off the blanket. "Funny..."

"What?" He rubbed his eyes.

"I don't recognize you."

"Many people don't."

He was strange, something about him made me think he was made in italics, sort of tilted, like that story I'd been reading.

"What do you mean? Are you some sort of hermit?"

He smirked, then realized he should probably be more polite to me. "No, actually. I've been...seeking knowledge. For a while."

"What do you mean? Can't you just use Wikipedia or something?"

His face scrunched up. "Use...what?"

"You've never heard of Wikipedia?"

He shook his head.

"Where have you been living for all these years?"

"I live in a small castle. It's in the Rose state, though I doubt you'd recognize the exact name."

I looked at him skeptically. "Rose state? That doesn't really exist."

"Sure it does! I live there! Where am I? I'll show you how to get there from anywhere!"

"Sure you will..." I stretched. "We're in the United States of America. Ever heard of them?"

He stared at me. "Where?" His eyes widened even farther, if that was possible. "Where am I?!"

"Welcome to Earth."

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