Then, at the end of the corridor there was a cell and Aurora was curled in its corner. I reached for her and broke the cell bars. She raised her head and was shocked to see me.

Aurora Diamonds: Logan, what are you doing here? You promised that you would protect the others, that you'd be somewhere safe...

Me: What's happening? Where are we? Why are you exhausted? Why aren't you healing?

Aurora Diamonds: Please, go before she sees you. She will kill you!

Me: Who?

??: Me! Long time no see.

I turned around and behind me was a woman who looked exactly like Aurora, but all of her veins were black. With a flick of her hands, I kneeled to the ground.

Me: What's happening? Who are you?

"Aurora": Logan, don't tell me that you don't recognize me? I am the real Aurora and finally I got rid of this useless version of myself.

Me: You are not the real Aurora, I know better than anyone who she is.

"Aurora": I won't play this silly little game that all of the mindless villains play. Things are simple. Aurora, you have two options; either you kill Logan or you die in his place -she said and went next to her.

I tried to stand up, but I was feeling like she took all of my power and I couldn't do it. The only thing I could do was blink. She dragged her to my feet and Aurora hugged me immediately. I knew that she was trying to heal me with the little powers she had left, but she couldn't do it. Then she kissed me on the forehead and whispered.

Aurora Diamonds: I love you so much, I'm sorry...

Me: It's okay kiddo; do what you have to do.

I closed my eyes and waited for her to finish me, but then I stopped feeling her touch. She stood up in front of me protectively in order to protect me.

Aurora Diamonds: You will not hurt him! -she yelled in her dark duplicate.

She was trying to be strong but it was obvious that she didn't have any stamina left for a battle. In a few seconds, "Aurora" kicked her, making her fall to the ground. She was ready to deliver the final blow but I couldn't let this happen. I wouldn't let Aurora die...

I stood in front of her and her hand drove though my chest. I fell to the ground, breathing shallowly and Aurora, the real Aurora was crying over me.

Me: I... lo... love you kid -was the last thing I could say before everything turned black.

Suddenly, I heard a deep voice saying that I was worthy and I felt an arm on my shoulder shaking me.

Piotr Nikolayevich: Wolverine, are you alright?

I opened my eyes and I was back at the same monastery with a pink crystal in my hands. It was like nothing happened.

Me: Yes. It's time to go back.

We returned on the Tower through a portal. After I gave the crystal to Emma for safe keeping, I found Aurora and held her tight.

Aurora Diamonds: Hey, are you okay? -she asked filled with concern.

Me: Yeah, I just really needed that hug. I love you kid -I replied and she was shocked.

Aurora Diamonds: I love you too Logan, you know that you are like a father to me.

Me: I'm glad. Now, after all of the things that happened, I need a beer -I said and she started to laugh.

Aurora Diamonds: Like an alcoholic father... -she marked and we went to the kitchen.

Two Worlds Collide Vol.2 (Marvel-DC Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now