{Rosé} - she gets jealous of Lisa

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"I have to go record my parts. Will you be okay here by yourself, baby?" Rosie asked as she brushed her hand across your back.

You were curled up to her side with your head resting comfortably on her shoulder and you didn't want her to get up and leave.

But you knew that she had no choice as today, you're all finishing up the last of the recording process for the new album.

"I guess." You sighed.

"I'll keep her company." Lisa cheerfully said.

"Great," Rosie said with a little smile.

You shared a quick kiss before she got up to go into the booth.

"Are you okay, Y/N? You look so tired." Lisa said.

"Aren't we all?"

"Yeah, but you look especially exhausted." She spoke.

"I am. There's just so much going on, you know? Between the comeback and interviews and photoshoots and all the other things I'm doing - I just feel a little overwhelmed and I haven't been sleeping much."

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said with a frown. "Why don't you sleep now? You don't have anything to do right now. It's the perfect time for you to catch up on some sleep."

"Yeah, I know but Rosie is in the booth and I need a cuddle buddy."

"I can be your cuddle buddy." She offered. "I mean, if you're okay with that."

"Sure." You said and put your head on her chest.

It was just a friendly thing, there was no meaning behind it other than you needing some rest and Lisa being the one for you to rest your head on.

At this point, having known her for so long, she's like your sister.

There's nothing more between you.

The only one you have feelings for is Rosie.

But Rosie must've misunderstood what she was seeing because she quickly grew jealous of you resting your head on Lisa's chest and her playing with your hair.

She exited the booth quite quickly and you lifted your head from Lisa's chest to gaze at your girlfriend in surprise.

You rubbed your tired eyes, having only closed them for a minute or two.

They seemed heavier now than before.

But regardless of how sleepy you were, you still felt so happy to see your girl.

"Baby," You smiled as you pulled away from Lisa.

"Don't baby me." She said as she folded her arms over her chest. "What's going on between you two?"

"Nothing." Lisa chuckled. "Y/N's tired. She was just trying to sleep."

"So you decided to lay your head on her chest and let her play with your hair?"

"You know how comforting it is to me when people play with my hair." You said. "And Lisa's the only one here for me to cuddle with since you're busy."

"There's nothing going on, Rosie. Absolutely nothing, I promise." Lisa said. "I'm just trying to be a good friend until you return."

Rosé sighed as she realized how silly she was being.

"I'm sorry. I just like being the one you curl up to, Y/N. It's not easy watching you curl up to someone else like that."

"Well, hurry your cute little butt up in there and I won't have to cuddle Lisa for very long." You joked.

She came over to you and gave you a quick kiss.

"I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions and I'm sorry for being so jealous." She said to you and Lisa.

"You trust us, right? You know Y/N is like my sister. The only one she's in love with is you." Lisa said and Rosie grinned.

"I know. Thank you for keeping an eye on her and letting her rest."

"Of course."

"Now, hurry up so we can cuddle again." You told Rosé.

She giggled and kissed you once more before returning back to the booth to finish recording, looking forward to being the one to cuddle you again.

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