{Rosé} - you pass out

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"Y/N, maybe it would be best if you went home for the day," Rosie said as she and the girls sat around you, staring at you in concern.

Your head is hung, your skin flushed as you sweat profusely. You felt dizzy and a little unwell but you were trying to push through.

You know the girls are only trying to look out for you. As the fifth member, you all love and care about each other very much. So when one of you feels down, you all feel down.

And in times like these, with a comeback around the corner and so much to do, you all worry about each other.

And reasons like these are why.

The stress and pressure were starting to catch up with you.

Not to mention, you feel like you're constantly doing something.

Between photo shoots, interviews, rehearsing, being in the studio, and doing a few other things that being an idol involves - you feel like you don't have more than a couple of hours to sleep each night.

Being so busy is also beginning to catch up with you and overall, you're feeling extremely unwell.

"I'm fine." You insisted as Lisa began to rub your shoulder.

"But you're not fine, y/n. We've been here a few times over the years, all of us. If you're not feeling well, you need to take a little while and rest." Jennie said.

"I can't." You said and the girls looked at each other, shaking their heads over how stubborn you were being. "I'll be okay. I'm feeling alright now. Let's get back to practice."

They all knew better. Not just because they've been in your shoes before, and you all know that, but because just taking one look at you it was obvious that you felt much too miserable to do anything exerting like practice for hours more.

But they feel a little pressured too and as much as they want you to take care of yourself and get a little rest, they know it's so much easier said than done.

"Okay. But if you feel sick again, in any way, tell us and you can go back home."

You promised them you would and Rosé took your shaky hand into hers, slowly helping you to your feet.

Right away, the room began to spin again.

Rosie put her hands on your hips and tried to keep you steady as you took a few deep breaths and closed your eyes.

"Something's not right. She needs to rest." Jisoo insisted as the girls continued to gaze at you in concern and Rosé kept a steady grip on you.

"Y/N, sit down for a second. I'll get your stuff and take you home for the day so you can relax," Rosie whispered.

But it was too late. Everything was fading out as your knees became weak and then buckled beneath you as everything turned black and you passed out.

Rosie quickly tightened her grip so you wouldn't fall and bust your head open on the practice room floor.

"Y/N?" She said and shook your shoulder as she laid you on the floor.

"I'll go get someone!" Lisa yelled as she hurried out of the room, getting a staff member that could help.

Your eyes opened only a moment later, much to everyone's relief. You tried to sit up as you took in your surroundings and remembered that you still have a long few hours of practice ahead.

But Rosie and Jennie quickly pushed at your shoulders and had you lay back down.

"You passed out, y/n. Try to relax for a minute." Rosie said as she brushed her thumb along your knuckles as she held your hand in comfort.

A few people came to look you over, making sure you weren't in serious need of medical attention.

And when it was confirmed that everything was okay and you were just overworked and needed some time to rest, the girls took matters into their own hands.

"You're going home," Lisa said.

"I'm not-"

"You are," Rosie said. "I'm going with you. I'm not feeling super great either so I'm going to go home with you. We'll rest, stay hydrated, and take some time to just take care of ourselves for the rest of the day."

The girls all nodded in agreement, making sure you knew they were all on board with her suggestion and that they weren't giving you a choice.

"Okay." You sighed and slowly sat up with Lisa and Rosie's help.

A few seconds later, you slowly and carefully stood on your feet and Jisoo handed Rosie her things as well as yours before you walked out, Rosie's arm wrapped around you.

You got into the car a moment later and you fell asleep on the ride home, finding comfort in the car as it moved.

When Rosé pulled into the driveway, she woke you up and grabbed your things before getting out of the car.

"I'm so tired." You yawned and Rosé nodded.

"It's okay, y/n. We're almost inside. I'll help you to bed and you can sleep as long as you want."

You nodded and walked through the door, so exhausted that your eyes were barely open.

Rosie put your things and hers on the floor and locked the front door before helping you up the stairs, her hand on the small of your back with every step you took.

When you reached the bed, she helped you lay down and tucked you in.

"Get some sleep."

"Where are you going?" You mumbled sleepily.

"I was going to go down the hall to my room." She explained but you quickly shook your head.

"Lay with me." You said and pulled the blanket up on the other side of your bed. "Please?"

"Okay." She smiled and laid beside you under the covers and her heart skipped a beat when you curled up to her.

There's always been a spark between you, something special, and when you curl up to her like that she can't ever keep her heart from racing in her chest.

"Don't leave me for the rest of the day. Please."

"I won't go anywhere. We'll sleep the day away together." She said and you chuckled sleepily, your head on her chest.


"Goodnight." She whispered as she rubbed your back, only allowing her heavy eyes to close when she knew you were asleep.

"I hope you feel much better soon." She said before falling asleep.

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