Okay, so my bestie already activated her let's be diplomatic mode.

"We really liked it", I say, to help her out. "It was my first hockey game ever and I didn't know it could be so cool."

"It was the best game I had in a while", Caden, who is sitting next to me, one of his arms around my shoulders, whispers in my ear. I look up at him to meet his eyes, and he continues: "You were in the public."

"I'll always be in the public, if that would make you happy", I whisper to him. He bends down and gives me a kiss on my lips. I can see Soph smiling at us and Jacob closing his eyes, faking being disgusted.

"Okay, wow. Going full in already", he says. Caden and I chuckle and let go of each other, yet he holds me a bit closer than before.

"You know me. I always like to enjoy the moment", Caden adds smirking. Jacob smirks brighter in return.

"I bet you do."

My cheeks turn red, which makes Soph chuckle and Caden kissing me once more.

"Anyway, now I finally have someone to share embarrassing Caden stories with", Jacob adds excited, his eyes looking amused at his best friend.

"No, Jacob, no..." Caden begins, panic growing in him. Soph and I enjoy the show, leaning with our backs deeper in the couch. The two continue.

"So, one time, Caden and I were in Sri Lanka", Jacob begins and I can't hide my surprise.

"What were you two doing in Sri Lanka?" I ask.

"My parents' twentieth wedding anniversary. They wanted to go skydiving in Sri Lanka", Jacob explains as if it were the most normal thing on Earth. He doesn't mind my raised eyebrow and continues: "Anyway, so we took Caden with us, since he's my best friend and all, and we rented this jet ski one day."

"No", Caden interrupts him. "No, no, no. They don't need to know that, Jacob."

Jacob only smirks brighter and continues: "Yet, little Big Shot here didn't want to only go on the jet ski. He bought himself a huge pink flamingo floatie and tied it to the jet ski..."

"Oh, here it goes", I can hear Caden mumble.

"And then made me ride the jet ski, so that he can chill on his little flamingo."

"That sounded so messed up", I say, to which Jacob grins.

"I even have some pictures", he volunteers. Caden quickly snaps the phone out of his best friend's hand before he can show me the pictures. As my man isn't looking, I mouth Email them later to him, to which Jacob smirks.

"Gladly", he answers out loud. Caden got a hint of what happened since he now begins to torture Jacob in return.

"Oh yeah, should I tell them about the time you printed I love Olivia on a T-Shirt and went with it around town."

"Who the hell is Olivia?" I ask, and Soph also looks interested.

"Taylor Swift's cat", Caden explains, throwing me and my bestie a mischievous look.

"Oh my gosh", Soph lets out and I begin to laugh.

"You actually have such a T-Shirt?" I ask Jacob, yet he only nods proud.

"Olivia Swift isn't just a cat. She's an icon."

"Sure is", Caden replies sarcastically. "I'll email you the pictures later", he adds to me, clearly as a payback to Jacob.

"Still don't regret it", Jacob says.

Soph and I can't stop laughing, and even Caden joined in. Our laughter is interrupted by Dia's voice, who asks: "Do you like Taylor Swift?"

and we scoredWhere stories live. Discover now