|| 27. 'My' Y/N (UN-EDITED)

Start from the beginning

"Honestly, I actually thought you were really pretty, but then you just called me lame." Hermione's admission was accompanied by a small, reminiscent smile, a glimpse into the initial moments that had shaped her perception of Y/N.

"Well..." Y/N murmured, pausing momentarily. "You were crying really lame." The words were infused with a teasing quality. Hermione's snicker resonated, her laughter intertwining with Y/N's jest.

"Lame? I couldn't find my parents." Hermione's words carried a trace of authenticity, presenting her side of the story. 

"Exactly, lame." Y/N's retort, articulated with a deadpan whimsy, struck a chord between them, prompting Hermione to feign a mock hurt. 

"Well, seems like my Y/N is—" The sentence hung suspended in the air, pregnant with implication. Hermione's sudden pause, her mouth parting as if mid-thought, added a layer of intrigue to the conversation.

"Your  Y/N?" Y/N's voice, tinged with amusement, interjected, her lips curving into a playful smile.

Hermione's response was instantaneous, her face betraying a sudden rush of emotions, the telltale flush of embarrassment rising to her cheeks. A subtle clearing of her throat accompanied her gaze, which darted around as if seeking refuge in the surroundings.

"You didn't hear that." Hermione's words carried a hint of sternness, a plea to erase the accidental confession from the realm of audible memories.  Yet, her command seemed almost futile, given the knowing smile that tugged at the corners of Y/N's lips.

Y/N's laughter bubbled forth, a joyful melody that danced through the air. She instinctively brought her hand to her mouth to muffle the sound, a futile effort to stifle the amusement that arose from Hermione's adorable discomfort. 

"Stop laughing!" Hermione's exclamation carried a mixture of exasperation and a subtle hint of her own amusement.

The mirthful exchange brought them to a momentary halt on the pavement, their laughter acting as a bridge between them. Y/N's grip on her stomach tightened as she tried to control her laughter, while Hermione's own lips twitched in an attempt to suppress her own chuckles.

Hermione's gaze settled upon Y/N, her eyes tracing the contours of a smile that seemed to illuminate the air around them. Her heart embarked on a delicate dance, a symphony of emotions rising within her. 

As Y/N's laughter cascaded like a cascade of notes, it was as if each sound was a brushstroke painting a portrait of joy upon Hermione's soul, igniting a fluttering sensation in the depths of her stomach. This was a melody she wished to savor, a melody she could willingly let envelop her entire existence – a melody that could serenade her through endless days.

"You're so mean." The words slipped from Hermione's lips in a playful grumble.

Y/N's laughter danced in the air, the lingering echo of amusement that painted the scene with an undeniable lightness. Her hand delicately brushed away the traces of laughter-induced tears that clung to her eyes, interspersed with sporadic chuckles that added a vibrant rhythm to the atmosphere.

"Oh. I'm yours, Hermione. I'm completely and utterly yours!" Y/N's voice carried a theatrical flair, a playful surrender that was both endearing and whimsical. Hermione's blush deepened, the warmth in her cheeks intensifying as she found herself momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected tease.

"Shut up or I'll leave you here!" Hermione exclaimed, the words hung like a playful threat.

Y/N's laughter, an uncontrollable eruption of merriment, seemed to wrap around them, a force of nature that couldn't be contained. In the midst of her laughter, Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as Hermione pivoted on her heels, taking off in a burst of movement. 

The challenge had been accepted, and Y/N's instincts kicked in as she sprinted to bridge the distance between them. The rhythm of their interaction had shifted from laughter to exhilaration.

"Wait up!" The urgency in Y/N's exclamation painted the air with a hint of excitement, a plea to halt the fleeting moment. Hermione's laughter, a melodic response, bubbled forth as she took off in a playful escape, her feet carrying her forward. 

In the span of a few heartbeats, Hermione's initial momentum began to wane, her pace gradually ebbing. Y/N, on the other hand, possessed an innate stamina that propelled her forward, closing the gap between them with a determined rhythm. 

It didn't take long for Y/N to catch up to Hermione, her breath steady. As the bushy-haired brunette slowed down, her chest heaving with each inhalation, she found herself enveloped in a moment of respite, her chest rising and falling with the cadence of deep breaths.

"Aw, tired already?" Y/N's voice, laced with a playful chuckle, teased the girl beside her.

Hermione's eyes rolled in mock exasperation, a light slap landing on Y/N's shoulder – a token gesture of her retort. Y/N's hand delved into her pocket, emerging with a water bottle, a simple yet profound gesture of thoughtfulness. 

"Here, drink." The words were gentle, a murmur that held a touch of kindness. 

Y/N's fingers found their way beneath Hermione's chin, an unexpected touch that stirred a flicker of confusion in the brunette's gaze. A gentle pressure lifted her chin, Y/N's finger and thumb delicately cradling the contours of her face.

With practiced ease, Y/N uncapped the bottle, the crisp scent of water wafting through the air as its rim met Hermione's lips. Y/N's hand found its place under Hermione's chin, a steady anchor to catch any errant droplets that might fall. 

Hermione obliged, taking in a few gulps, the cool liquid a balm against the heat that had taken residence within her chest. Her heart quickened, a thrum that seemed to echo not only from the exertion of the chase but also from the electrifying presence of Y/N.

 As water met lips and touch ignited sparks, Hermione found herself caught in the delicate interplay of emotions – the exhilaration of their chase, the unexpected intimacy of the moment, and the undeniable heartbeat that seemed to synchronize with the rhythm of her own.

"You okay?" The water bottle was drawn away, allowing a brief pause that seemed to hold the space between them in a delicate balance. Hermione's response came in the form of a subtle nod, her cheeks brushed with a faint hue of pink that painted her momentary vulnerability.

"Let's... let's go, we're close to the cafe..." Hermione's voice emerged in a murmur. 

She turned away from Y/N, a curtain of hair falling like a veil that momentarily shielded her from view. The sensation of her own heartbeat seemed to echo in her ears, a rhythm that accompanied the ebb and flow of her emotions.

Y/N, perhaps unaware of the inner turmoil that swirled within Hermione, simply responded with an easy acquiescence. She walked behind Hermione, matching her steps to the cadence set by the other girl, their footfalls echoing in harmony.


Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now