12 : Don't Lose Your Head

Start from the beginning

    So, they returned back to the Tardis with the slight hope that they might be able to move on. But Rose had other ideas. She was so wound up around the whole situation that she couldn't stop talking. He'd never known anyone to go on like this, other than himself, of course.

     "Mum said he died close to home." Was one of her many points. Sad as it was, EJ just pulled a face. He didn't care about family as much as Rose seemed to. He had every reason. "And that there was no one there with him. They don't know who did it."

  The Doctor nudged him to try and get him more interested. "Sorry." He hissed back.

"Cos it was a hit and run driver, you know. And he was dead when the ambulance arrived." She gulped, finally looking up as she dragged her feet. "But... I want to be that someone. So he doesn't die alone."

"November the 7th?" The Doctor reiterated.

She nodded, affirming. "1987."

It took only a moment for the engines to start whirring again, taking them to the place that Rose had specified. EJ couldn't say he was looking forwards to any of it at all. There was an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach.

When they stepped outside this time, something felt different. Perhaps it was the right blue sky that none of them had particularly been expecting. It was a perfectly normal day, and that's as the odd thing. Someone was going to die, and yet, life was going on as it did every other day.

It was cold, however. Despite its brightness, it was cold. EJ shivered beneath his thin shirt. He never dressed for the right sort of weather. This was just another example of his odd style.

As the Doctor locked the door, Rose sighed, with wide eyes. "That's so weird. The day my father died." She paused, despondently. "I thought it would be all sort of grim and stormy. It's just an ordinary day."

"The past is another country." The Doctor replied, airily. "1987 is just the Isle of Wight."

"I really wanna know what goes on inside your head sometimes." EJ marvelled, slightly sarcastically. "Like, it is absolutely mental some of the stuff you come out with."

"You need to shut up." He shook his head, amused.

"Yeah." He agreed. "Maybe. But I won't."

Noticing just how quiet Rose was being, the Doctor turned to her, and frowned. "You sure about this?"

Sharply, she responded. "Yeah."

    Their walk was not a long one, but it felt that way. EJ had taken ahold of Rose's hand and was swinging it back and forth. There was a song playing in the back of his mind that his steps matched along to. He couldn't remember it's name.

     The place where Pete Tyler was going to die was not an especially nice one. Perhaps he deserved better, or perhaps he didn't. EJ didn't know him, or anything about him. He wasn't able to make the judgement. However, he did believe that it was an awful place for anyone to die in.

      It wasn't a main road, more of a side road, not too far from a set of corner shops. Around the corner were posters and political protest leaflets about Maggie Thatcher, among other topical issues. It was all real, and yet, something so alien. He'd probably walked this street, but it looked different. It didn't make any sense.

     It was just a street, and that was worse. An average place for an average man to die in. EJ couldn't help but feel a little sick on the inside.

"This is it... Jordan Road." Rose gasped slightly. "He was late..." She sounded like it was hard to breathe. "He'd been to get a wedding present, the vase. Mum always said, that stupid vase."

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