A Spy, a Psychic, and a God

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You look like the above, but with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes

Everyone has a secret self they don't show to other people. Not to friends... Not to lovers... Not even to family. They hide who they are and what they want behind lies and painted smiles. And thus the world... maintains its thin veneer of peace.

"Take me to the Embassy." "Yes sir." A black car drove a certain important individual, but something was wrong. "Huh?! The brakes aren't-" "What the hell is going on?!" The driver started to panic, realizing that he wasn't in control of the car. They crashed into a wall and started plummeting down into the street below.

In a room with shadowy figures. "One of our diplomats in Ostania was killed in a car accident. We suspect it was an assassination carried out by the East's far-right-wing political party. They want a war with our nation of Westalis. We need to know exactly what they're planning in the East." Another male voice spoke up at that. "Then we should put him on it. The best agent we have... 'Twilight'." 

In a dark alleyway was an old man and a suspicious male in a trench coat. "Just as I promised. Proof that the Foreign Minister..." The male in the trench coat gave the old man an envelope of pictures. "...wears a hairpiece. Negatives and all." The old man smiled at the suspicious male. "Nice job. This should be enough to secure his resignation. Keep up the good work." The old man got in a car and drove away as T.C. walked in a different direction. "Hey! Where are you going? Aren't you going to hand over what you promised me?" A man identical to the old man that was driving away said to T.C., two bodyguards behind him. "What?! But... I just..." A look of realization dawned on T.C.'s face. "Oh no... That was a setup...!!" The man in the car ripped his face off, revealing a much younger face underneath. Code name: Twilight. The man threw the false face behind him before putting on a pair of glasses as he drove. The man was a spy. In an era in which the nations of the world were waging a fierce war of information just out of sight... He was a veteran of the battlefield, employing a hundred different faces to survive.

The young man was now sitting in a fancy restaurant across from a woman with drooping eyes. "So anyway... Daddy was going on and on about how someone stole his hairpiece pictures and how he was going to make them pay. I haven't the foggiest idea what he was talking about. Robert? Are you even listening to me?" 'Robert' didn't even look up at her, focusing on cutting and eating his food instead. "Hm? Oh, indeed. How unfortunate for him." She looked over to the side, perking up a bit at what she saw. "Oh, Robert, look!" There was a man proposing to another woman in the direction she was looking at. "Do you suppose that will be us someday?" She asked with a smile. "Hmm? Ah... Let's break up." "What?!" "Your conversation suggests a limited intellect." "What...?" "Best of luck in your future affairs." He said as he got up and started walking away. "Robert, wait! This is so sudden!" 

He was now in an alleyway, looking at the envelope of pictures he had stolen. I'm sorry, Karen. But I have no further need of you... or rather, your father. He took off his glasses. It's time to say goodbye to this 'Robert' disguise too. He threw the pictures and his glasses into the fire he passed by. Hopes of marriage? The joys of an ordinary life? Those joined my I.D. papers in the rubbish bin on the day I became a spy.

Twilight was now at a train station with a briefcase and cup of coffee. He sat on a bench and subtly switched newspapers with an older male. The other guy got up, pulled his cap down a bit, and meowed. Cipher C, then? "The train to Berlint is leaving on track five..." A voice over the intercom announced. 

Good day. Or rather, good evening, 'Twilight'. Excellent work on your last assignment. Thanks to you, the minister has survived another day, to the great benefit of Westalis. I'm afraid we have another assignment for you already. Your target is the leader of the National Unity Party, Donovan Desmond. He is a grave threat to the truce between the East and the West. Your mission is to get close to him and probe into any seditious activities. In order to do so... you will marry and have a child. Twilight spit out the coffee he had been drinking and started coughing. "Excuse me?!" Desmond is a recluse and is extremely suspicious of others. At this point, he operates almost entirely behind the scenes. His only public appearances are at the events held at the elite private school his son attends. These events serve as informal get-togethers for the upper crust of industrial and political leaders. You are to enroll your child at this school and gain entry to these events. However, the deadline for admissions is approaching fast. Only one week remains. Twilight ripped his newspaper in half in frustration. "I have seven days to make a child?!" The other people on the train looked over at him. "Ahem. Excuse me." I need to calm down. A spy who loses his cool is a spy who's about to lose his life. We're calling it 'Operation Strix.' This operation is the key to maintaining peace between East and West - and perhaps the world beyond. You and your fellow agents do great deeds that never see the light of day. You are heroes without shadows. You'll earn no medals. Your name will never make it into the papers. But despite that... Never forget that everyone else's day-to-day lives are possible because of your blood and sweat. Twilight placed down his paper and looked out the window of the moving train. Okay. Fine, then. I abandoned my identity when I became Twilight. A father is just another role to play. And I will play it to perfection... for the sake of a better world!

The Four Forgersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें