From Son Of Death To Orphan Child

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The Realm of Death was not what you might expect. Or, maybe it is. Most people would probably think that it was barren and grey, filled with dead trees and wilted flowers, but that is not entirely the truth. Yes, it was filled with death, but it was not a gloomy place. Here, the souls of the dead roamed freely, happy and without pain or suffering. The souls of trees and flowers glowed brightly, the colors dazzling to behold. Semi-translucent animals, who had no need to hunt, could be found playing with the other species. Foxes and rabbits cuddled together to sleep, birds flew with butterflies and bees, wolves ran with deer. Humans of all shapes, sizes, and colors found comfort and friendship in each other. Some from centuries ago and those who died only minutes previously sat around and chatted together. Even if they were worlds apart while in life, they were equals in death. Yes, this place, free from strife, could be considered paradise.

Except for one. (Y/N), who was not a soul but the son of Death himself. He liked to listen to the souls of human about their previous lives and play with the souls of the animals. Little (Y/N) was fascinated by life. In fact, there was a lake that showed the World of the Living deep in the Soul Forest that he liked to watch. Death watched his son with a smile on his face, enjoying seeing his Kingdom of the Dead at peace. 

It happened one day, and no one could have guessed, but maybe you have. (Y/N) was just watching the Lake of the Living when he fell in. He was surrounded by magical water that he could breathe, colors and images flashing before his eyes, before he tumbled out and onto the hard floor. Looking around, he saw that he wasn't in his Father's realm anymore. The living trees and towering buildings made it clear that he was in the World of the Living...

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