I closed my eyes trying to relax. However, relaxation eluded me as the vivid memories of Tae walking into the living room with bloodstains on their white shirt flooded my consciousness.

I got up from the bed and sit on it with my head resting on the headboard. I tried everything to relax but nothing helped me.

"You are distressed cause our mate was attacked by a rogue in our territory." Lycus voiced silently.

" Not our ma-" My word got interrupted by Lycus.

"Don't deny Jungkook, I know your heart was aching when you saw him bathed with blood," Lycus said. I remained silent since what Lycus said was right.

"The guilt is eating you up. Only if you believed him that day, nothing like this would have happened."  Lycus' words echoed in my mind, cutting through the chaos of my thoughts. He was right. If I had listened to Tae's warning that day, perhaps I could have prevented the attack.

The weight of that realization crushed me. I clenched my fists, feeling a mix of anger, regret, and self-blame coursing through my veins.

"I didn't say those to make you blame yourself. These are clues given by Moon Goddess saying that Tae is a pure soul. I lost my blue. I don't know if I will get him back but you can get back to Tae before Red Moon night." Lycus said to bring some solace to my tormented mind. His words held a glimmer of hope, a reminder that there might still be a chance for redemption.

"Yeah! Lycus was right I should not blame myself and let the guilt eat me up." I thought.

"You should go to Tae's room and stay beside him. You will be able to calm yourself when you are beside him." Lycus said with no hope knowing that I won't budge from my place.

I do want to check if he got hurt badly. I want to know if everything is alright but I hesitated.

"Jungkook doesn't hesitate," Lycus said. Before I could even process what to do, my legs started moving toward Tae's room.

Finally, I reached Tae's door and gently pushed it open. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the moon casting a gentle light upon the figure lying on the bed.

Tae lay there, his form was still and peaceful, but bandages on their arm and legs served as a reminder of the recent attack.

I approached the bed cautiously, my eyes fixated on Tae's unconscious form. Even in this situation, he looks gorgeous which I never admitted till now.

A sudden surge of protectiveness washed over me, urging me to stay by his side, to ensure his safety and well-being. As I sat down beside him, my hand instinctively reached out to gently brush his hair away from his face.

As I sat there beside Tae, my gaze fixed on his peaceful expression, I couldn't help but question myself. Why was I feeling this surge of protectiveness and concern now?

It was true that ever since I found out Tae was my mate, I had been distant, detached, and even somewhat cold toward him. But seeing him lying there, vulnerable and injured, stirred something within me that I couldn't ignore.

Tae's whimper snapped me out of my thoughts, reminding me of his current condition. Guilt washed over me once again, knowing that I was partly responsible for his pain. I reached out hesitantly, my fingers gently tracing over the bandages that covered his wounds.

"I'm sorry, Tae," I whispered, my voice filled with remorse."I should have trusted you." I mumbled. I wouldn't have dared to say these if he were awake.

I stayed awake the whole night beside him and went to my room in the morning without making others suspicious of my actions.

At Present

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