chapter 16 "Saying sorry"

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Pats pov:

When I woke up there was more bad comments of me.


Y: "omg baby what's wrong?"

P: "There is more comments."

Y: "Make an apology video."

P: "Thoes are bullshit, how about I'm extra nice today?"

Y: "If you wanna I don't know what too do baby I've never had something like this happen to me."

P: "Okay come on get dressed."

After y/n got dressed we went to work.

P: "Hey guys, Zak do you wanna do the intro.?"

Z: "uhm sure?"

After that.

P: "Spuds I'm letting you work today."


"Hey y/n why's Pat so nice today?"

"Did you read the comments from last video? He's worried his fans are mad he was rude."

Z: "Oh bullshit, I think in real life he was worried you thought he was mean."

Y: "No way he knows I love him."

Z: "His ex cheated on him because of his attitude, he wasent rude to her but he was rude to other people, ever notice how nice he is to you compared to other people?"

Y: "aw my baby.. I hate that."

Z: "You should have a talk with him."

Y : "Okay I'll go ahead and call him aside.
Hey baby!"

P: "Hm, oh, coming love."

Y: "Hey love?"

P: "Yeah what's up dear?"

Y: "You know I don't think you're mean right? I'm not gonna get mad at you because you had A bad day."

P: "But I'm sorry y/n I was really mean to everyone yesterday.."

He said that resting his head on her shoulder and hugging her.

P: "You knows that's why my ex cheated on me?"

Y: "Yeah Zak told me.."

P: "I just wanna make sure I've been working on myself so I'm not a dickhead anymore, but yesterday I totally was rude to people who didn't deserve it."

Y: "You were just frustrated I get it dear."

He started crying lightly into her shoulder hugging her even tighter.

P: "Are you ever going to let me go honey? Like, leave me?"

Y: "Oh never you're perfect for me you're kind, thoughtful, handsome, successful, everything I could ever ask for." 
She gave him such a sweet peck on the lips as he continued lightly crying. I could tell he was scared to loose her. He's never cared so much about what other people thought until y/n showed up and gave him something to care for. His words and facial expressions show everyone he means business when it come to her. Everytime she needs him, he there. It's incredible how he changes so quickly from a sweet kind gentleman to a fighting asshole not afraid to kill somebody. He's only gonna kill for her protection though. One time I saw her sit on his lap and when he did he pulled out a switchblade then started to kiss her neck. He held it firmly to show every one she was his and he was hers. I can never forget the day y/n realized people flirt with him. Oh she went nuts. Sense that day she loves kissing him and hugging him and doing everything too him too prove he's hers. They are both real protective of eacother its amazing what love can do. I know they have sex every once and a while and from what I heard it's amazing. Y/n rants to me about my best freind all the time. They are both my best freinds and they are so ment for eachother.

(!!sorry guys this is super short but I was rushed so the next one will be much better!!)

Saved By The Bondsman Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora