Chapter four "getting close"

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When you got to Patty's house it was around 7 it took while to get out of the hospital.

P: "Okay so I'm going to show you around and introduce you to Kobus I have feeling he will love you." He said with a loving smile

Y: "Oh okay of course"

He walked in first and put a leash on

P: "Kobus, here, look this is our new freind her name is Y/N yeah she's pretty ain't she?"

He said talking to kobus and you blushed a little when he called you pretty. You had got to know kobus and Patty started the professional home tour. Patty showed you the living room then the kitchen, then the laundry room witch is connected to the pantry. Then he showed you his room the master bedroom he had a huge dog cage and dog bed in his room next to his bed he had a closet and a bathroom and a really nice clean room very welcoming. He showed your room it has the same layout as his everything's just a little smaller and no bed for kobus. He told you that you can make yourself at home and eat anything, he said you guys could go to the store if you wanted. He showed you were towels soaps and extra stuff was you thanked him and he gave you a sweet hug. You took and shower and put on a hoodie and some sweat pants he was in the same outfit as in the hospital but not the same exact clothes. He had taken a shower too, you noticed and shelf In his living room with all his gear and kobus's gear he even had little name tags. When you asked him about it he said a fan made them for him and Kobus, you found it adorable. He asked if you wanted to watch a movie and sense you were developing a crush you decided why not. You picked out a movie and he made you popcorn and got you both some cokes, both of you guy's favorite. While him and you were watching the movie you started to fall asleep, he noticed and scooted closer when you finally fell asleep your head landed on his shoulder.


Almost as soon as we started watching the movie she started to doze off I scooted closer and she landed on my shoulder I just sat there for a minute admiring her. She was so beautiful and I had a little crush on her but no way I would ask her out. After the movie ended she looked relieved in her sleep no worries in the world while she was asleep, I refused to wake her up. Kobus was spread across our laps I shook him up and he hopped off, I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room. Kobus follower us and hopped in bed with her she stole my dog. I covered her up and put on some soothing music to hopefully keep her her asleep. I walked back to my room and got coveted up and put on an old movie, goodnight finally.

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