chapter 15 "sick of it."

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(Still Zaks pov)

I could tell Pat was annoyed he had too film without y/n. I decided I had to get there before Pat too warn everyone because Pat can be a complete asshole without Y/n there too stop him. She was the only a few who he didn't threaten to beat the shit out of with a bat. Her, Trevor, and me, especially her though. He doesn't get mad at Trevor because Trevor knows what he's doing and listens. He goes easy on me because I've been one of his partners for a while. Y/n is an obvious answer, he loves her, actually loves her. Not some bullshit, he'd do anything for her. I've never seen him so kind to anyone before. The way he looks at her is full with genuine love and happiness.
It's amazing too see, Pats soft side. No one could have guessed he had one, it's so sweet. When I got there I told everyone that Pat was coming but y/n wasn't so he was in a really pissy mood to just be careful because he probably would be rude and just one ear out the other. Just as I expected as soon as Pat got there he started to act like an ass.

Z : "Hello my names Zak Im with --- bail bon-"

D: "What the fuck do you want."

P: "Man I'm not in the mood and I can tell you right now he may not want to hurt you but I don't give a flying fuck. I'm not afraid to beat the fuck out of you. I'm an asshole, listen and be kind to my partner or else."

Z: "Pat I'm fine."

P: "He won't be though if be though if he dosent let you fucking talk."

D: "Man what are you 5'2 you're a bitch, I could beat your ass mother fucker."

Pat looked around and backed up.

Z: "Pat don't, it's not worth it."


Just then the guy charged Pat and Pat basically body slammed him and just started wrestling with him and pinned him down. Pat handcuffed him after words.

P: "Not such a bitch huh, who's the bitch? Who's my bitch."

D: "not you."

P: "Who's my bitch? Hm Who's the fucking bitch?"

They went at that for a while but Pat finally won.

P: "whos my bitch?"

D: "me."

P: "fuck yeah bitch boy get up."

Pat went through searching the house super quickly Trevor kept telling him to slow down, Pat would say "Oh okay." Or something slow down then go just as fast.


No one yells at Pat but I think he knew Trevor was right. Pat hung his head and said sorry and slowed down eventually.


Just then someone charged through Pat.
Pat grabbed his hair and jumped on him taking him too the ground. Pat started yelling an had Trevor helped get him handcuffed and I put him in the car

Y/ns pov:
Pat hasent been too work without me for a while and he's never not with me. I knew he grew really close too me and didn't like doing stuff without me. Let me tell you my boyfriend can be a total asshole when I'm not with him. I generally think he got separation anxiety. Oh well not like I minded I love a clingy Pat. He can be so so sweet most of the time. The whole asshole personality is just for show for youtube anyways. Not unless he's without me or generally pissed off, witch happens easily most times. If someone came up too me and said "your boyfriends a dick." Depending on the day I'd believe them. I knew he would be acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum. At least I got to sit back and relax and watch t.v all day instead of going to work. Believe it or not I get paid the same amount he does.

Pats pov:

I know I can be a prick but oh well, I also know that I piss everyone off. I can be a gentleman, really only with y/n but it counts. I got really dirty so I knew I'd have too take a shower when I got home and I was just ready too climb into y/ns arm. On the way home I called y/n she said she was ready to watch a movie and hang out. I got home and she was waiting on the couch and she jumped into my arms.

Y: "Aw baby I missed you."

P: "Work sucked ass I need a shower."

Y: "Alright what movie you wanna watch?"

P: "Ugh I dont know Jaws? I'm tired I'll probably fall asleep quick anyways to be honest."

Y: "Okay baby I'll make some popcorn."

After I got out of the shower I was waiting for y/n and reading comments on my video.

'You could tell Pat was out of it'

'He was angry and he took it out on other people'

'I love patty but he was rude that episode'

'I loved when Trevor yelled at Pat he was being rude.'

Such and such I gave y/n the phone and told her too take a look. 

Y: "Oh baby. The team knows you were in a bad mood not to be serious about it right?"

P: "I thought so but mabye not, God I feel bad."

Y: "Do you want me too come with tomorrow I won't get hurt I promise."

I didn't know I really didn't want her getting hurt agian but without her my fans say I'm a dickhead.

P: "fuckkkk. I don't know honey if you get hurt agian I could never live with myself." 

Y: "I'll be fine baby."

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