chapter 2

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Lilith pov  a few moments before Emily came up to her

I was making my rounds before heading to my office I said hi to Steve when I saw him he stopped me and asked "Hay head wich Lilith I was wondering with how close you are to the princess are you like her mother or something?" I was a bit surprised by this I close to her. Yes
But that is because I believe she needs a motherly role in her life and I would if given the chance take her in I would. "No Steve I am not her mother I follow the emperors order and he has personally asked me several times to take care of her in ways he is unsure how to." While this isn't the hole truth it's all he needs to know he nods his head in understanding and suluts to me and I'm off to my office. Right as I get to my office I then here the princess coming tords me so I tern and see her with her orange and dark blue uniform,her hair is up in a French braid and she smiles kindly at me like she usually does. "aright princess let's go I'm assuming I'm taking you to school."she nods at me and we start hadeing tords the bridge. We both get on my palismen( I don't know his name but if you tell me I will change it to say his name) and we start to head to hexside. Emily stopped me when we were half way there and telling me to land for a moment and I as I do I see why she wanted me to stop. Not far from where I landed is an injerd
Ratworm she immediately runs towards it I try to go after her but when it saw me coming it hissed at me so u stopped and watched her go help it. From what I could tell it is a pet but it looks like it has been nigeted and abused. "Hay Lilith I need healing patches fast and bandages please." I summon the idams she needed and slowly started heading towards her to give her the idioms but the ratworm won't let me. She quickly jumps up and runs over to get them from me. After a couple minutes she slowly stands up and goes in front of the rat worm and helps him get up and asked him if he felt better and he nodded and snuggled into her. "Hay buddy I know you may not want to go back to your owners I know someone who will take great care of you but for now how about you go find some where to hide and I will come back for you later with some food and the guy I know will take good care of you ya." All he does in response is flick is tongue out and slithered away. As he does this Emily comes back towards me and says. "Alright Lilith sorry I couldn't leave him like that when I saw him. I know I'm probably late ill tell the teacher what happened and there understand." "so then you reedy to go then." "Ya let's go."

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