chapter 1

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Emily's pov

The sun shines in my eyes as I start to wake up. I roll over tords my night stand and grab my scroll to see what time it is and see that it's 5:30am. After I see that I get up and start to get dressed and head out tords dad's throne room. As I enter I look up at the amazing site that is the titans hart in all its might. As I'm looking at it with it still beating I hear my father walking in behind me. He puts his hand on my shoulder and says "marvelous isn't it with how it still beats after all this time." I nod as he says this I have always been instead in that."indeed it is father makes you think that we are insinfik in this vast universe." As I say this he retracts his hand and starts walking towards his throne. He sits down on on his throne and calls me up to him. "As you know the titan speaks to me. He has told me that the owl lady has found and taken in a teenage human girl. The problem is we don't know much about her so if you see her learn about her but keep a distance."I'm shocked that there is another human here." Father do you think she could be your way home?" He shakes his head " I don't know. But you need to go now school starts soon ill have Lilith take you." "OK father see you later." With that I walked out of the throne room and met Lilith nere her office and she said "aright princess let's go I'm assuming I'm taking you to school." All I do is nod and start walking to the bridge and off we go.

Thanks for reading and sorry for any mistakes made

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