"What? Why?" Fizzarolli asks.

"Because it is, dipshit." Blitzø says.

"Blitzø..." Stolas warns.

"That's fucking stupid." Fizzarolli says.

"You're fucking stupid!" Blitzø shouts.

"Blitzø, enough." Stolas scolds.

"You two were best friends for over ten years, and all you can think to do is insult each other?" Asmodeus asks.

Blitzø rolls his eyes. "Fine, how's working with Mammon?" Blitzø asks, trying so hard to be nice.

"Fine." Fizz answers quickly. Before Asmodeus thought about interrupting he asks: "How's- whatever the fuck you do?"

Asmodeus gives Fizzarolli a look, not sure why he'd lie about his job.

Blitzø crosses his arms. "I started my own business, and it's been doing great thank you very much."

"What's the business?" Fizz asks. "Prostitution?"

Asmodeus sighs.

Blitzø rolls his eyes. "No. I kill people."

Fizz hums. "Interesting."

Blitzø growled. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?!"

"Blitzø, please." Stolas begs.

"Nothing, it's just nice to know you're not only ruining peoples' lives, you're also now ending them."

"Well, not everyone can be Mammon's precious little pet." Blitzø says.

"Blitzø!" Stolas scolds.

"Well... you can't." Fizz says. "You seem to be doing fine as Stolas's sex toy tho."

That made Stolas stand up. "Now, wait a minute!"

"Fizzarolli!" Asmodeus scolds.

"Says the guy who makes sex robots of himself." Blitzø remarks.

Both imps are completely ignoring Stolas and Ozzie at this point.

"At least people recognize me for what I do!"

"Like getting people off?" Blitzø asks.

"Enough!" Asmodeus shouts. "We are not here so you two can fight."

"Yes, you're supposed to discuss the issues so that we can move on." Stolas says.

Fizzarolli shouts. "How are we supposed to move on if he haven't even apologized for anything he's done to me?"

"What did I do that was so wrong?" Blitzø asks.

"Really?" Fizzarolli asks, not believing Blitzø even asked that.

"You're the one who left, you're the one who was so full of themselves. You were so determined to make me look bad, and you-"

"You made yourself look bad by being a terrible performer!" Fizzarolli insulted. "That wasn't my fault."

"You stood there and made sure everyone knew how bad I was!" Blitzø says.

"I did not!" Fizz shouts.

"Yes, you did!" Blitzø shouted back.

Fizz sighs and turns to Asmodeus "I don't even know how you expected me to even talk to this asshole. We're never gonna work this out, because he's never going to change." He says.

"I've changed plenty, I'm twice the asshole you knew." Blitzø explains.

"Well then, that changes everything." Fizzarolli rolls his eyes.

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