You looked away from his wounds and at his face. It smiled, as if he were reminiscing about old times. "'Enchanting'?"

"Yes... I remember father would sometimes point you out and comment on how talented you were."

You stared at his smile and wished you had protected it far better than you actually did. With a gentle swat of the hair that covered his face, you came to admire his features, the brightness of his eyes that weren't there when you first met him.

Hopefully, when you looked at him, he saw the new hope that he instilled into your eyes.



"I love you... thank you for reminding me of that feeling, even if you didn't even mean to."

It was like that was the one thing he needed to hear as you watched his eyes closed slowly, a smile remaining on his face until it slipped. "Shouto?"

The lack of answer was the most horrifying silence you had ever been met with in your life.

"Shouto?" You gentle shook him. "Hey, we're not finished talking."

You placed your hands on his cheeks which felt cold to the touch, and you had never been so mortified by the absence of warmth before.

"Shouto, please. Please, don't... leave me here..." You breaths were shaky and quick as they kept getting caught in your throat.

"You said..." You saw how still he was despite your pleads and, for some reason, started getting louder. "You said we'd get married after this! You said that we'd grow up and be whatever we want to be! You wanted it to be the thing we were looking forward to! What am I supposed to look forward to after this?!"

As your volume increased, the ground began to quake, and it could be felt from kilometres away.

"Shouto!" You screamed one last time before you ultimately gave up and collapsed into his chest, unable to properly convey what you wanted to as your entire body trembled. "Please..."

You heard something behind you and you turned, eyes meeting the nomus you had defeated before.

Right... it was them... No. It was him.

"I'll be right back," you assured to Shouto. Some delusional part of your brain told you that he'd be waiting for you. You took off the whale earring from your belt and placed it over his chest.

You stood and walked past the immobilized nomus. With an aggressive swing of your arm, they were swallowed into the ground and your eyes glowed with a newfound rage.

And suddenly, the walls you created came crashing down and you began speeding forward in a swift, straight line, with only one target.

With your back on it, you hadn't realized the soft glow that the earring you had left had begun to emit.


"What the hell?!" Bakugou watched the walls come crashing down as quickly as they were built.

Midoriya frowned and he turned to Best Jeanist. "That... That doesn't mean that something happened to Y/N, right?"

For a moment, Shigaraki stopped in his attack.

"I don't know... Things she's created haven't suddenly collapsed when she falls asleep. I think they would've remained no matter the circumstances she finds herself in."

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