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* Iphone ringtone*

" Hello" I answered the phone for Ky'moni. This was her fifth time calling me.

"Where are you ?" Ky'moni whined on the other end of the phone.

"Mama, I told you I had to work today" I chuckled seeing that she didn't remember.

"Oh sorry, I forgot" I knew she did.

"It's ok, I promise. You gon be at my house when I get there ?" Yes I gave her spoiled ass a key. But I have a key to her house as well

"Yes, I'm on my way there now. I'll be there when you get home. I might cook, I don't know yet. But most likely" She chuckled

I need to make this girl my girlfriend soon.

"Ok mama, I'm rey clock in. I see you later" I put my time in on the clock

"Ok baby, See you later" She hung up and I instantly got sad. Like real sad.

Okay, Let me do this shift so I can get home to her...
———-/————/7 hours Later——/————-/

I done clocked out and went to the store to pick up something to drink for my house. I picked up the strawberry lemonade and the sprite because I know Ky'moni likes to put them both together.

I turn on my street and my phone start ringing. So I pick it up


"Hey, Ashton" It was Asia

I hung up quickly. As well as blocked the number. I meant what I said when I said we wasn't cool and we would never be cool again. That's why I hung up. Not "hearing her out"

I pulled up to my driveway. Got out, locked the car and made my way into the house.

"Ky'moni!" I yelled to see where she was at.

She came out my room with her duffle bag on her shoulder and she looked like she had been crying.

"Hey hey, what's wrong ?"  I tried to block the doorway so she could talk to me.

"Nothing, just move Ashton before I spazz bro" She looked really mad and hurt.

"I just got home, What could I have done that fast?" I'm genuinely confused.

"You still fucking with Asia" She tried to push past me. What the hell is she talking about ?

"Um no I'm not, I can literally show you. Asia has been blocked since the day we fell out" I pulled my phone out and showed her.

"So why did she send me this ?" She put her phone to her face. They supposed messages of me and Asia making up, talking about sex.

"Tell her you have my phone number saved to your phone, and to text me so the message can come through" I was angry. Angry that she would believe an obvious lie. Angry that Asia would try to sabotage a relationship that I actually want.

She did what I said. No message came through on my phone but Asia sent her picture of a supposed response. So she told Asia to call me and send a screen recording. My phone never rang.

Now she was angry. Angry for believing the lie and angry because she was manipulated. She cursed Asia out and blocked her. I walked right past her, shutting the door in her. How could she believe that ? How could she not trust me. I been giving her my all since we been talking. I'm ngl, I'm offended.

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