{a normal day with the band•kris#2}

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(this is a very short and not-so creative shot, but it was the only fast thing to write that came to my mind, im sorry)

"And here we have Y/N, Kris' girlfriend, who is also helping us create our song for Eurovision." Bojan said while turning the camera of his phone towards you, showing you almost sleeping on the couch at their studio.

You and Kris have been dating for about 1 year and a half, and since before that, you've always been part of the production of the band's music. Often, Bojan's ideas for the lyrics would come from you, that's why they always asked you to be with them at the studio.

The boys were always truly friendly with you, sometimes even calling you their sister. Except for Kris. While hanging out with them, sometimes you and Kris would get mocked for being too physically close, but you always knew they were just joking.

Fans would often see you in the band's stories on Instagram and on their vlogs in their YouTube channel. Some fans would even call you the 6th member as you were always with them.

"Bojan, get that camera out of my face, or I'll kick you in the balls."

"Damn, calm down. No need to be that aggressive." Jan said while all the other members, including your boyfriend, were laughing at your response.

"Kris, did you do something to make her that mad?" Nace asked. At this point, Jan was helping Jure to get his breath back.

"Not that I know, I mean... I left the towel on top of the bed this morning..." Kris answered while slowly turning to see your reaction.

"Yes, you did. But at this point, I'm already used to it. And I'm not mad, Bojan is just annoying."

"Aww, does the little baby want a kiss to make it better? Kris, make your girl happy and take her home to cuddle." Bojan said, standing up to go and record some parts of the song better.

"Yes, I will. Let's go, honey." Kris stood up, wrapped his arm around your shoulder while kissing you on the cheek.

As you were walking to leave the studio, you could hear the guys in there screaming and making fun of you, but you were okay with that. You knew that they were just kidding, and as long as you were next to your boyfriend, you didn't have to worry about anything else.

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