Though this didn't last long as I watched as my mate became a different woman fuelled by anger, her body changed into a blood red color, her hair like flames the snow around her began to melt and then started to sizzle at the heat.

Though this didn't last long as I watched as my mate became a different woman fuelled by anger, her body changed into a blood red color, her hair like flames the snow around her began to melt and then started to sizzle at the heat

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Those that were close to her had to step back, Melody was releasing so much heat you thought she was actually on fire. "You think I'm scared Melruthiia you hold no claim to the elemental throne" Melody didn't move.

Instead, she let out a breath, then without making any movements the earth around Melody opened and vines rose then went towards the woman. The said woman tried to stop them but to no avail, I was so focused on my mate but then I saw something in the corner of my eyes it was Marcus who almost didn't react in time to the Romanians running towards him.

He was able to jump into the air and dodge their attack, though his freedom was short-lived as he was then grabbed by vines at first he struggled like I did but when we made eye contact I looked at Melody and then he stopped. Looking around I see that the whole battlefield had been snared except for Isaiah (remember is the queen's guard) who had hidden himself in the shadows.

Third Person's POV ~

Everyone was confused as no one knew who was controlling the flora those on the Cullens looked at the vampire named Benjamin, but even he was caught in the vines. The Volturi looked at Bree as they knew she didn't have the greatest control over her vines but she was also struggling.

The male from the queens guard used his shadow and transported Jane's head and body back to Volturi, where she would be safe but as soon as he got back to the battlefield he was then snared in the vines as he wasn't able to react fast enough to the speed of the vines.

Melody was losing her mind, her child had been taken out in a cowardly manner and wasn't given a fair chance. In her anger, she sent her vines towards the woman who had taken out her child and pulled her close.

"I should kill you for what you did to my child" Melody gritted out, even though Melody knew her child would be fine as the fire hadn't touched Jane it didn't change the fact that her child had been hurt "you are scum and the Volturi's bitch"

Before Melody could act a boulder was thrown at her.

Melody then turned to the woman who was once her aunt, the all powerful woman who was struggling to burn her way through the vines.

"How" Melody started this made Yavanna stop "how am I meant to understand if you're mumbling" this made our main woman mad "how did you kill my parents" and instantly after saying that, the twisted woman began laughing a truly insane laugh.

The Volturi kings (and yes I'm including Jasper in that title) had been trying to escape to no avail they wanted to help their mate, but in the same breath, they didn't enjoy being tied up. "That's easy to answer you hadn't come into your powers fully so I had injured you until you was basically dead" Melody paused having a feeling she knew where this was going.

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