6, tale of two

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In the four months that Jisung and Felix have been exterminating the vermin of this world, they have had a few hiccups here and there, but it's nothing that couldn't imminently be fixed. 

 However, tonight everything feels off and they're slacking. Or, Felix is at least.

It's her night to choose and she can't seem to find anyone. Maybe it's due to the fact that she's a little distracted. Felix just found out from a family friend that Chan was coming back to town. She had no clue he had even left, but the fear that she can actually run into him is now validated and constantly on her mind.

There's a short, slightly stockier built guy on the dance floor and the waves in his hair help the fantasy a little. Nothing about him fits perfect; though. Felix turns to Jisung, letting him know her plan for the guy. It's not anything special, just like the guy himself. He looks like he's down for a good time, they'll go over there and-

"Hey!" A male voice tears them out of their scheming, causing them both to look his way.

The moment Felix's eyes land on him- More so on his jacket, her mind is spiraling. The guy's making an awkward, corny attempt to flirt with them, but she's too out of it. Passively listening to Jisung speak to him, Felix's eyes are deadlocked on his coat. She feels like she's been punched in the stomach. There this guy stands, wearing the same university jacket Bang Chan used to have. 

Not only is it the same jacket, it's the same ironed-on sportsman logos. This is too good to be true. Too weird to be a coincidence. This means he could've been friends with Chan.

 Looking at the guy, it's easy to imagine. His all black clothes and the way he's awkwardly smiling after every word so he looks gentle and kind. It's so Chan-like. Ha.

He's probably just as bad as Bang Chan. Birds of a feather always flock together. Don't they, Minsoo? 

Felix is snapped out of her thoughts by Minsoo asking if they want to dance. Jisung quickly turns towards her, making sure they are on the same page. 

New target? 

New target.


Minsoo is dancing in between them, his eyes closed, humming the words to some remix. He seems to be too preoccupied to notice the silent conversation Jisung and Felix are having over his shoulder, and how much danger he is in.

Like a moth drawn to a flame, he takes it farther. He kisses Jisung. It's nothing too obscene, but it's a little surprising. In the past four months they've, shockingly, gotten most guys back to their place with just some light patting and teasing dances. 

Jisung has seen the way Felix has been eyeing Minsoo all night, though. He knows she needs this, so he presses he lips back against the man's without hesitation. Minsoo's lips are chapped and rough, but it isn't terrible. It's manly and rugged.

 Minsoo pulls away from Jisung's lips and turns to Felix, pressing his lips against her's. She's a little more shocked than Jisung, but still goes with it. Jisung hovers on Minsoo's back watching them kiss. Disregarding the circumstances, it would be kinda hot to him.

Minsoo smirks, asking if they want to get out of here. 

God he's so easy.

All night Felix has been looking out into the crowd, making sure she doesn't see Chan. It's literally the same jacket; what if they are having some kind of reunion? She hasn't spotted a single glance of him though. Honestly, how would she even confront and lure Chan?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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