2, the cause (jisung)

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make sure to read the warnings

Fourteen year old Han Jisung has always thought his parents were pretty cool.

They aren't too strict about his grades like some of his classmates' parents and they allowed him to swear in front of them. The only thing they truly expect from him is a little help around the house.

Honestly, both of his had bigger fish to fry than their son misbehaving a little. Jisung's family has always been tittering the line of poverty and it's been like that since he can remember. Not only are his mom and dad poor, it goes generations in his family. His parents, his aunts and uncles and his grandparents. 

Most of his classmates have stay at home moms and expensive businessmen dads. They get to go on nice summer vacations, instead of doing part time jobs that pay five dollars an hour.

Even his other less fortunate classmates have grandparents or rich uncles that take pity on them. 

Yes, Jisung envies others. Of course he'd love to have a phone and go on island vacation trips. He'd also love to see his parents more, but his knows they're working such odd hours just so they can keep a roof over his and his siblings' heads.

Jisung knows in a year and a half he can get a real job, one where they have to pay him fairly. He also knows Mrs. Kim down at the library looks at him like a wounded puppy, and he is going to use that. 


At fifteen, Jisung has always liked girls. He cannot pinpoint exactly what it is he likes about girls, but God! Girls are wonderful! 

Feminine girls who try to hide their giggles behind their hands? Masculine sporty girls who will punch him in his shoulder and tell him to shut up? 

Short haired girls, long haired girls, tall, short, skinny, plus size, big boobs, little boobs, he likes any girl. Sue him, he's fifteen. 

 Lately though he has caught a few guys catching his interest. 

There's a couple football players, a boy in his math class, even his history teacher. Okay? Sue him, he's fifteen! 

Yet out of all the boys and the girls, nobody makes his heart do back flips like Jongwoo.

 Jongwoo is the epitome of perfection. With his straight white teeth you can tell his braces have newly been taken off, not a single blemish on his face and he even looks handsome with his stupid bowl cut that everyone is forced to get. 

Everyone loves him and he is top in class, but even with all that he still finds the time to be nice to Jisung. Asking him how he is, smiling at him in the hallway. He even wanted to work with Jisung on a project. 

When Jisung was too afraid to admit he was too poor to have the internet, therefore he couldn't download their project files, he said he forgot. Jongwoo didn't care about their bad grade, he just smiled then called him "Cute and forgetful". 

None of his classmates (especially not this handsome) have ever shown Jisung this much care. It's silly, but it makes him want to kick his feet and giggle.


Sixteen year old Jisung  still thought his parents were cool, they didn't care too much about his grades and they let him swear. 

They had him young, at fifteen. There were moments where he could even see his parents as more than friends than parents because they basically grew up with him. 

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