|| 23. Do You Like Her? (UN-EDITED)

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Hermione's response was humble, her eyes momentarily avoiding Y/N's gaze. "It's really nothing, honestly. I— well, I don't dwell on these things," she admitted, her words tinged with a mix of vulnerability and hesitation. Beneath the surface, a tumultuous swirl of emotions danced.

"Are you two done yet? Honestly, I'm almost about to puke—" Sophie's interruption abruptly sliced through the intimate ambiance, her words brimming with a blend of amusement and exasperation. 

Y/N responded with a glare, her actions more subtle but equally impactful as she discreetly stepped on Sophie's foot beneath the table. "Ouch!" Sophie exclaimed in surprise and pain.

Hermione seized the moment to redirect the conversation. "Anyway, I should catch up with Harry and Ron," she suggested, a mild undertone of eagerness in her voice.

Y/N's quick response suggested an inclination to accompany her. "I could come along," she offered, rising from her seat, only to be met with an unexpected restraint as Aurora clasped her wrist.

Aurora's expression held a hint of puzzlement. "Didn't we plan to go skiing?" she queried, her brows slightly furrowed inquiringly.

Y/N's countenance shifted to a more neutral demeanor. "Oh," she responded dryly, caught in the crossroads of her connection with both Hermione and Aurora, a momentary hesitation casting its shadow across her features.

"It's perfectly alright, Y/N. Will we cross paths again later?" Hermione inquired, her words imbued with a sense of hopefulness that mirrored in Y/N's parted lips.

However, Y/N's expression quickly shifted into a contemplative one. "Actually, Hermione, I've been thinking... Do you think it would be possible for us to share a compartment on our train ride back to London?" 

The question hung in the air, both daring and vulnerable, as Y/N sought connection beyond casual encounters. Hermione's cheeks flushed, her response a blend of shyness and agreement as she nodded slightly. 

"Yes, I think that's a wonderful idea," she murmured, the subtle graze of her fingers against Y/N's knuckles lingering like an unspoken promise. With that, she began her departure, each step widening the distance between them. Y/N's hand raised in a farewell wave, her eyes following Hermione's figure until it melded into the crowd.

A teasing voice pierced through the moment as Seraphina interjected, her tone playful, "Who's this, and what magic have you worked on our dear Y/N/N?"

Y/N's reaction was swift, her retort sharp. "Don't start, Seraphina," she snapped, her words laced with a mix of annoyance and fondness.

Sophie, always ready to add her own flavor of humor, chimed in, her laughter evident in her voice, "Ah, there she is—the classic Y/N." Rolling her eyes at her friends' antics, Y/N settled back into her seat, a mixture of emotions dancing beneath the surface.

"You seem to have gone all mushy," Sophie quipped, her voice low and teasing.

Y/N's retort was swift and tinged with defensiveness. "I'm anything but soft," she shot back, a sneer lacing her words.

A playful challenge emanated from Sophie as she continued, "Really now? I distinctly remember the intense loathing you two had for each other at the beginning of our first term."

Y/N's glare was directed at Sophie, her frustration palpable. "Yes, but it was..." She trailed off, her gaze averted for a fleeting moment. "Oh, just drop it. It's not like I have feelings for her or anything," she muttered under her breath, her words revealing a vulnerability she hadn't quite intended.

Sophie raised an eyebrow in response, her tone tinged with mischief. "I never mentioned anything about you having a crush on her."

The color rose in Y/N's cheeks, her frustration finding an outlet in her words. "Ugh, you're jarring," she groaned, her companions Seraphina and Sophie sharing knowing glances as they chuckled and exchanged laughter.

Aurora's voice, steady and direct, cut through the banter. "So, do you?" Her words hung in the air, an inquiry that demanded an honest answer. Y/N's gaze met Aurora's, a mixture of confusion and curiosity in her eyes. 

Aurora clarified her question, "Do you actually have feelings for her, in that way?"

Caught off guard, Y/N's lips parted, momentarily rendered speechless by the sudden shift in conversation. After a brief pause, she responded, her voice carrying a tinge of bewilderment, "I—uh, no, not really."

Aurora's response was subdued as she simply nodded, her attention shifting away. Meanwhile, Seraphina and Sophie exchanged knowing glances, their amusement evident in their shared snickers and chuckles. 


Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat