Surveying the wreckage surrounding him, his once formidable stronghold now lay in ruins. Without breaking the curse imposed upon him by his father, he knew victory was beyond his reach.

He couldn't access his angelic abilities, the very essence of his being. That damned bastard had informed him that only through prayer to him that the curse will be lifted.

But there was no way in Hell he would stoop to that level. His pride would never allow it.

With unwavering resolve, Lucifer defiantly faced his impending demise, refusing to submit to his father's demand for repentance.

With voice filled with fiery determination, Lucifer called out to the woman before him, his words booming across the desolate battlefield.

Lucifer: "Come! Face me and bring forth my salvation!" His voice echoed through the air, challenging the woman who stood silently, observing his unwavering stance.

Cypher: " Alright Ulbert, that your queue," She motioned to her companion, and in an instant, a goat-man materialized at her side.

Without warning, Cypher began an incantation in an unknown language, casting a spell that bound Lucifer in place. The end seemed imminent, drawing closer with each passing second.

Ulbert: "Good work, Cypher-san. Now, allow me to conclude this," Ulbert said, stepping forward. With a resolute expression, he began to recite an incantation. "Roar, my secret arcana! Descend, o ultimate disaster! Flow, ye tears of despair and regret! — [Grand Catastrophe]!"

As the powerful spell surged forth, sealing Lucifer's ultimate fate. Heralding his imminent demise, he made peace with his impending end. With a heavy heart, he closed his eyes for the final time, allowing the memories of his long existence to cascade through his mind like an ethereal slideshow. Amidst the tumultuous waves of remembrance, a subtle pang of regret, as delicate as grains of rice, stirred within his soul.

Lucifer: "Father," he thought to himself, the word laden with complex emotions, as the engulfing heat began to consume him entirely.

As the all-consuming heat closed in around him, he wished fervently for the ability to turn back time, to undo the rebellion that had brought him to this point. He desired nothing more than to have his position recognized, to be regarded as the pinnacle of creation, distinct from humans and exalted in his own right.

A faint chuckle escaped his lips, laden with bitterness and resignation. Where would he end up after this? Perhaps a realm even deeper within the depths of Hell itself. The thought brought a flicker of amusement amidst the bleakness.

With each passing moment, his essence was devoured by the relentless flames. It was only a matter of time before his mind would fade into nothingness. Yet, even in the face of oblivion, he mustered a final smile directed towards the heavens above, a bittersweet acceptance of his fate.

Cypher Mindspace, present time

Lucifer's voice, dripping with bitterness and resentment, slithered through the air.

Lucifer: "You..." His words unfolded slowly, each syllable weighted with a dark undertone.

Cypher, her gaze fixed upon him, brimmed with curiosity and confusion. She patiently awaited an explanation, her expression a canvas of question marks. How did he know her? Was there a memory resurfacing within him?

Cypher: "You seem to have some familiarity with me, or is it a remnant of a past recollection?"

Lucifer: "You are the harbinger of my downfall. You are the reason for my defeat."

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