A Start of a new show.

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Ranboo, The Hero, A title they gave to him, Is he truly a hero that the title says he is?

He lays unconscious on the couch, signing SOS to lure them in, Ranboo slowly rises up from the couch, secretly grinning behind his mask

A normal mask infact, half white, half black, He stares around the room questioning where he is, but he knows anyways how this goes

He waits for as the Viewers, Or as they also call them Chat, They voted to haunt, resulting in pushing an urn off a counter,

This while voting continues, after he hears a bang,

This isn't his first,

He's been doing this for ages,

Fully Aware,

" BOO BITCH! " A slime like demon appears, fully covered in green slime, with a goopy slime horn

" I see you have found my cabin! " He yelled, Ranboo just stares, staring very deeply at him

Charlie, The name of the slime demon, or well also named as Slimecicle , Ranboo always wonders why he has this gut wrenching feeling seeing him, like he's been with him for God knows how long,

He knows for a fact he's aware, he's not being controlled, he fully works with the company,

But why,

Why can't he remember one memory,

Why Charlie of all people?,

He'd always ignore this feeling while seeing him every episode,

As smoke comes through behind Charlie, coughing alot,

" I vape, alot "

He says, Ranboo chuckles at it

" Yeah " He says coughing aswell " Cough cough, Very much a lot  " He still can't brush this feeling off

" RICHARD! " Charlie yells picking up the sadly dead bat on the ground, " My favorite bat! "

he says while struggling to grab it with his slime suit sticking him slightly together,

" What happened to you buddy? WHAT DID YOU DO TO RICHARD?!   "  He yelled

" I didn't do anything to Richard! "

" C'mere C'mere " Charlie gestures him to come close

Ranboo, obviously acts confused, moving closer to Charlie

" We'll perform CPR "

After countless of times of doing CPR, Richard, stays dead, it was obvious he would,

But as oblivious they wrote Charlie's character to be, he had no choice,

All of them never had a choice,

Ranboo did, did he even try to save them?


He never did

Ranboo knew it all, he worked with them after all, just why didn't he help them.

Ranboo goes to the door as planned, after failing to save Richard, tho the outcome of it was very much obvious, he had to play with it

He enters the door, he meets the feeling of hot, and very much ashy atmosphere,

" This is it, Christian Hell " Charlie says while coming inside the door as well, " Christian Hell " Ranboo repeats

Charlie introduces countless of creatures that laid inside Christian Hell,

Steven the Staker, Bart the Vorer, and then Hell Bat,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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