part 2

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Friday 1:55pm

Just 5 more minutes and I'll finally get my well deserved break from this disgusting school. There's couples making out in every corner, gum stuck under anything you could imagine, and I swear I've seen at least 3 people NOT wash their hands after using the bathroom and I've only used the bathroom twice.. For it being junior year I'm glad my teachers haven't been too harsh about homework and we've kinda just been chilling.
"On Monday we will be discussing the project on WW2 that includes groups of 2 and will take up the next two weeks of class. *Ring* Alright have a nice weekend everyone."
I may have spoken a little too soon. Ugh not only is the project gonna be a pain in the ass to do but it has to be done in groups?? That's probably my biggest pet peeve, like just let me work on it by myself. I'm sure I'll end up working on it alone either way. But if not then I'm at least hoping that my teacher picks the partners because I will definitely not be going up to someone and asking them to be my partner just to be brutally rejected.

I pack my things and leave class to go to my locker to drop off some notebooks I won't be needing but Imugonna use the bathroom first.
As I walk up to my locker I see the guy who is in my math and history class but I don't know his name. The whole 85 minutes of math class, my headphones are my best friends and I never take them off. And history, he's only made an appearance once and it was only because he was caught ditching. Ew he's literally leaning against my locker talking to his friends. I'm trying to make it as obvious as I can that I'm about to use my locker but he's not budging. Is he really gonna make me say excuse me and ask him to move. Well definitely not after he let me sleep through the bell and made fun of me.

"Move asshole." I slightly shove his shoulder with mine and I get into my locker.
"Woah watch it- oh look who it is." He looks me up and down and blurts out. "Sleeping beauty."
"Sleeping beauty? Really? How funny." I reply with straight face. "You were leaning on my locker and I had to put away my books."
"Well no need to push sleeping beauty. You can learn my name for next time. I'm Rodrick." He says with a bit of sarcasm knowing he's pushing my buttons.
"Oh okay sure I'm 'i don't care' " I say with a smile and quickly turn around and walk away.
That might have been a little harsh.. even for me. But it was just the first thing I came up with and anyways why do I care. He's an asshole to everybody and just called me sleeping beauty??

I make it back to my car and I see something familiar two parking spaces down. Ohmygod. That's the van that almost ran me over! Ugh I can't believe that guy has his license, it's actually insane. I turn back to my car and all of a sudden my ears become filled with obnoxiously loud music. 'Violence' by Blink-182 is blaring from.. the white van. Of course, who would've guessed. I hate that I love this song but come on. My head is already killing me and I'm still thinking about what I said to that guy. Opening the car door and about to get inside I hear a honk and get scared.
"Oh hey sleeping beauty, didn't mean to scare you." he drives off still blasting his music.
Ohmygod. THAT'S- NO. HOW DID I NOT RECOGNIZE HIM. The asshole who almost ran me over is also the asshole who thought it was funny to let me sleep through the bell.. which means he's the asshole who is also my.. next door neighbor.

Coming home from school I park my car and walk up the steps of my house.
"Mommm, I'm home from school." I yell out.
"Oh hey Siena how was school? You have a good day?" she responds from the kitchen looking up from her laptop with a coffee in her hand.
Walking towards the stairs I reply "Yeah it was alright, still no friends made so don't ask." I say with a chuckle.
"Aw sweetie that's all right. Hey maybe you could befriend Susan's son! He's your age and goes to Crosslands too." She adds with a hopeful tone.
"Uh mom, who is Susan." I say with actual confusion.
"Oh yeah sorry, she's our neighbor. Susan Heffley." She pauses with a smile. "We've been having brunch together since we moved here!"
"What- How did you- We've only been here for a week and a half and you're already bffs with the neighbor?" Burrowing my eyebrows at her with disbelief.
"You know I'm a chatterbox I can't help it. But anyways. Susan has a son who is 17, his name is"
The moment she began to say his name it felt like it came out in slow motion. Like a dramatic scene from a movie, that's exactly what it felt like.
Oh god. How do I tell my mom that her supposedly bff's son and I basically hate? each other?
"Ohh.." I say trying to think of what to say next. "Yeah I think we have two classes together." I add with a small chuckle.
"That's perfect! You guys can get to know each other at school and tonight!"
"Sure I gues- TONIGHT?" I say stunned with my anxiety rising. "What do you mean tonight mom?"
"Don't be too excited Siena gosh. Susan invited us over for dinner and I thought it would be a good idea, you can meet her older son Rodrick and your brother can meet her younger son Gregory. Such a cool coincidence all four of you guys are the same age huh?" A smile plastered across her face, completely oblivious.
"Yeah.. cool." A look of cringe forms onto my face as I try my best to not start going insane.
"So you'll be ready to go at 7 then?"
"7. Definitely."

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