part 1

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Wednesday 6:45am
*beep* *beep* *beep*
Ugh, first day of school. And at a new school. This is the day that I've been absolutely dreading since I've moved. Although it's rarely some time since I've moved here to Plainview, I already know how the name lives up to exactly what it is. months of living here and I'm yet to know where anything is. There's nothing fun to do here. Except maybe a roller rink we've past by but I don't really feel like embarrassing myself by falling straight onto my ass in front of everyone there. And then everytime my mom asks me to go to the grocery store, it ends up being a 4 hour trip because I got lost.
I just thought I would've made at least one friend by now. How? I have no idea. All I do is spend my days in my room listening to music. August by Taylor Swift playing hours and hours on end. I miss August. It was July 2nd when I found out I was going to be moving here. Because of that, me and my friends decided to make a bucket list of insane and fun things that we had to do before I had to move. And that's all we spent our month doing. Adventure after adventure hoping to fit our entire life friendship into 31 days. I had known my two best friends, Celeste and Jocelyn, since I was 6. We all met in first grade and have been inseparable ever since. The last week eventually crept into us and I had to leave. August 25th had arrived and my life was flipped upside down. Now living 2,559 miles from my modest little apartment in New Mexico to my now 2 story average American house with a white picket fence and a backyard in Maryland. A real drastic change that I still haven't gotten used to but I'm glad I got first picks for the bedrooms and I took the one that's well.. technically the attic. More or less. The only thing Im thankful for is that I won't have to share a room with my little brother Gabriel ianymore. He's such a brat I couldn't stand him any longer. But still I'm not ready for school nevertheless my junior year. I was supposed to graduate with my best friends and now the only person I'll know at that school is my neighbor because my mom just loves to mingle and she of course befriended the next door neighbors the same day we moved here. Thankfully she didn't make me introduce myself because I was taking a shower when she went to go greet them. So I was in the clear. Although I have spoken to their son once..but it was me kinda just me telling him to.. f- off. To tell the truth I had all the right to do so. I was simply throwing out the trash, he was backing out of his driveway with his crappy ass van and almost ran me over! What was I supposed to do? And anyways in return he gave me an evil smirk and the finger. As long as he's not in my way during school then maybe, just maybe I'll have an okay day.

*sigh* I've been contemplating getting up for 20 minutes now. What if I just didn't go.. No one would miss me anyways. Because NOBODY knows me. I can't go to school just to be a loner omg.. what's the point if I have no friends. Get an education? Pass. Maybe I'll just beg my mom to homeschool me. Whatever, I guess I should just start getting ready to leave.

you picked this to wear to school since it's just a little chilly and you also had no idea what else to wear

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you picked this to wear to school since it's just a little chilly and you also had no idea what else to wear.

"Morning mom." I say as I walk down the stairs. "I gotta get going."
"Good morning sweetie, you excited for your first day?" she asks with a joyful smile while taking a sip from her coffee mug that says "world's #1 mom" which is only half truth.. sometimes.
"Yeah sure definitely. so excited." I say with a huge smile but a monotone voice.
She laughs and comes toward me with a plate of waffles and syrup.
"Here eat up, I can't let you go without something in your stomach." she hands me the plate.
"Mom you know I'm never hungry in the morning. I just take a couple bites or I'm gonna be late." I say in a whiny voice.
"Yeah yeah, do you want me to take you or you wanna drive?"
"It's okay I'll just drive myself." I tell her as I walk towards the hanger where our keys are.
"..And you're sure you won't get lost..?" she looks at me with a concerning face.
"Mom, I'll be fine. But thanks for the confidence." I chuckle.
"Yeah sure sweetie you'll be fine. Have a great day. Love you." she says with doubt written all over her face.

I rush out the door because school starts 8:15am and it's already 7:55. Thank god I only live about 10 or so minutes. But with my moms concerned comment.. I no longer believe in myself that I won't get lost. Oh well, I guess I'll find out where I end up sooner than later.

*25 minutes later*
Okay so I'm lost. I swear I was following the gps correctly ugh. How am I gonna be late to the first day of school. I'm just gonna keep trying to find my way, I'll make it one way or another.
After another 20 minutes of driving aimlessly I finally found.. my brothers middle school. I figured the high school couldn't be that far from there so I kept on driving towards that direction and what do you know. I finally found it. I park in the designated student area and start making my way into the school entrance. Now to draw even more attention to myself, I'm gonna be walking into class.. 30 minutes late. Probably even more late because I still have to get my schedule from the office.

After finally receiving my schedule, I now have to walk across the school to get to my first class. I look down to see what subject it is and oh. Algebra 2. Perfect.
"What a great way to start everyday with none other than math." I groan to myself. Finally reaching the classroom I push open the door and all eyes shift to me.
"Well hello there, correct me if I'm wrong but you must be Siena Savelli?" the teacher says to me while reading off of his roster he had picked up and he's somewhat attracti- nevermind. sorry. I respond to him and say "Yeah, sorry for being so late I got kinda lost.." I feel my cheeks heating up and I continue the short conversation. I can't stand confrontation, no matter what kind it is.
"That's all right , I'm just glad you were able to make it, grab a seat anywhere and don't worry about the time that was lost. We've just been doing a couple ice breakers and settling in." he says with a simple smile and gestures me to go find a seat.
I quickly make my way into the farthest empty seat to avoid any awkward interaction. Finding the desk farthest to the right I just pull out my phone and start listening to music. After a few minutes of zoning out I start looking around and noticing whose in my class. Everyone looks like they fit in. They each have their own friend group and probably aren't worried about where they're going to sit at lunch. I sigh and go back to just putting my head down and listening to music.
I feel a tap on my shoulder. And then a couple more.
"Yo wake up. Hellooo?" a voice oversteps the music blasting through my ears.
Jumping back both from embarrassment and also panic I shout, "Omg. What happened??"
"Well the bell rang 5 minutes ago that's what happened." A tall lanky guy with dark brown shaggy hair stands infront of me. He's wearing an outfit similar to mine. A black long sleeve with black jeans and some beat up old converses. With a smirk across his face he says. "You were snoring by the way. I just wanted to see how long it would take you to notice you slept through the bell." He chuckles while slinging his backpack onto his shoulder.
I know that smirk.
"Wow thanks for your help." Sarcasm is written all over my face. I get up and grab my bag making my way out the door. Thankfully there's a 15 minute break between 1st and 2nd period because that would've been even more embarrassing if there was an entire class just watching me sleep like a dumbass. Before heading out the classroom I turn back to the guy and say  "You know, watching me sleep makes you weirdo creep right?" I chuckle at him with my eyebrows furrowed.
"Don't flatter yourself, I had to stay because I wrote 'vulgar language' on the desk." He smirks once again.
I just shake my head at him and leave out the door.

~hey guys pls make sure to vote and comment, i'm gonna be working on this story more so pls patient and comment any suggestions. 🙏🙏~

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