"You know the singers like really short, right?" Frankie said, pointing to the shorter man doing an awkward shimmy onstage. Josh noticed the finger point, hoping it was a good motion.

"As long as he's taller than me, I don't mind." Lynn shrugged.

"Babe, everyone's taller than you. I think I'm taller than the singer." Frankie said.

"Sucks for you." Lynn joked, looking back to the singer, who averted his eyes this time.

"OH MY GOD!" Frankie exclaimed after being zoned out for 5 minutes. "They live in our apartment complex!"

"No way." Lynn said, not wanting to believe it. "There's literally no way."

"No, no, at least the Jake guy does, he's a few down from Delaney!" Frankie said, growing much more excited for her friends chances.

"I need to see it to believe it." Lynn said. "I mean, c'mon, what are the odds of it?"

"Slim, but I think I'm right. You agreed with me, the two look familiar." Frankie said.

"But what about the singer, do you think he lives there too?" Lynn asked.

"Maybe, I think two people live in that apartment. Delaney thought Jake was cute, and the one day she finally made a move, someone else was at the guys apartment."

"There's no way." Lynn repeated. "We'll have to ask Delaney."

Lynn's mind flew at the idea of him living in the same housing. Is fate playing a tricky game of luck, or ultimately working to screw her over. At least this could make the picture part easier, maybe she could just slide it under the door.

Lynna looked to the boy singing, who was currently going wild with a tambourine. He was interesting to watch. Once again, she was surprised for his eyes to meet hers. Josh tossed a wink to the mysterious girl, immediately causing her to blush.

They looked to each other, until Lynn's phone rang. It was her neighbor from down the hall.


"Your cat's in my apartment, somehow he got out, and I didn't want someone else to pick him up." Mattie said, sounding worried for the cats well being. Lynna was suddenly very scared, and worried upon hearing her cat screaming.

"Is he like meowing?" Lynn asked, already rising out of her seat.

"He's yelling, a lot, that's why I called." Mattie said.

"Oh, shit, thank you, I'm so sorry he got out, I'll be there in like 10 minutes, tops." Lynn rushed, ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" Frankie asked confused.

"Sergio got out! He's gonna wake up everyone." Lynn said.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Frankie apologized.

"Why are you sorry?"

"He must've got out, I had to get my shoes from your room. I'm so, so, sorry." Frankie profusely apologized, feeling terrible.

"It's alright, let's just go." Lynn hurried. "Unless someone calls the landlord, then I'm going to hurt you." She was mostly joking.

Josh watched the girls leave, in quite a rush at that. He watched wistfully, knowing he couldn't get to them. He went back to the music, hoping she would come back.

"Hey." Jake greeted, eyeing his brother.

"Hm." Josh hummed, not picking up on his brothers intent to talk.

"So, uh, anything catching your eye lately?" Jake asked.

"What do you mean?" Josh asked, thoroughly confused.

"That girl. You've been watching her for half the show." Jake smiled seeing how quick Josh's eyes changed. Even Josh was failing to hide his smile.

"I don't know, she's just..." Josh trailed, failing to find the words. "I hope she comes back."

"Since when are you one to wait around?" Jake asked, waiting to say his little piece of information.

"I can't chase her, I haven't had the chance, both times I tried she was leaving." Josh sighed.

"I have some possibly good news." Jake smiled, waiting for his brother to get excited.

"What, did we get a gig?" Josh asked.

"No." Jake smiled, loving holding this back from his brother.

"Jake." Josh whined. "What?"

"That girls friend, I'm not sure of her name, but I think she lives in our apartment complex." Jake said.

"No way." Josh said. "That's not possible."

"I know I've seen her with someone, I can't remember who it was." Jake said. "And, that one party, at Delaney's, I'm like 99% sure I saw her."

"Delaney? Think we could ask her?" Josh asked, desperate to figure out the girls identity.

"That's kind of weird." Jake said. "Why don't we wait to see if she shows up? Whether it's with that girl, or here. She's been to a few of our shows."

"I guess you're right." Josh sighed. "It would just nice to know her name."

"I'm sure you'll find her soon enough."

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