{ 11 }

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You immediately awoke to the sound of footsteps causing you to be alert, being stuck with psychopaths caused you to have heightened senses. "W-Who's there!? Show yourself coward!" You yelled extending your wings to try appear more intimidating.

A Man came out from the shadows wearing a blue hoodie with a pair of goggles on his head he looked at you with the same cautious expression- he was human... No wings. Seeing this your wings fluffed up and you let out a hiss.

"No- No- I'm.. Not here to hurt you!" The stranger stuttered out quickly fearing that you would attack him, "I-I saw you were out here alone and I wanted to see if you were alright.." he added  stepping a bit closer- though you had already stopped hissing.

You paused for a moment thinking to trust the stranger or not, I mean everyone you had trusted was a psycho or Murderer what's the chances this guy is different? Well I guess you'll never know, "Your wings..? Are they damaged." he suddenly said making you look at your wings to check.

Indeed, scratch marks and missing feathers displayed on your wings, they hadn't been preen in a while either. I guess while running in the forest you might have gotten them in such a state but you might have not noticed, you lowered your wings staring at them knowing you couldn't fly for a bit as it would be painful for you.

Without you noticing the man approached you a bit more noticing your slightly small height and younger appearance making him believe you were a child, you looked back towards him and flinched seeing how close he was to you.

"Oh- Sorry, here." He held out a golden like fruit towards you. After a moment you snatched out of his hands hungrily noticing how long it has been since you've eaten something, he smile a little as you ate rather fast.

"So- Who are you..?" You asked wiping your mouth from the excess juice.

"I'm George."



Congratulations you have met Ally 1 and 2!

(Ally 1)

Status: Alive
Age: 7-8?
Likes: Bees, flowers and (Y/N)
Dislikes: Ranboo + Tubbo, enclosed spaces, creepers.
Currently: Locked in his room to ensure he won't escape like you...

(Ally 2)

Status: Alive
Age: ??
Likes: Mushrooms, Sleep.
Dislikes: Smiley faces, XD.
Currently: Camping out with a bird hybrid child.


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