|| 13. Outburst (UN-EDITED)

Start from the beginning

"You are such an arse, Draco Malfoy!" Her sneer was a testament to her feelings, each word punctuated by her pounding footsteps. Draco's attempts to placate her were met with little success. 

"Y/N, Y/N, just let me—" he began, but his words were swiftly cut off as she seized the fabric of his robe, pinning him against the tree with an unyielding grip. His cronies, eager to intervene, found themselves quelled by the sheer force of her stern glares, retreating apprehensively into the background.

The accusation that tumbled from her lips was a declaration of betrayal. "You orchestrated that entire thing last night, didn't you?" Her voice was a tempest, her gaze locked onto his eyes, demanding answers.

"I didn't—no!" Draco's denials were swift and fervent, his eyes darting around in a mixture of panic and unease.

Y/N's disbelief was palpable, her frustration mounting with each passing second. The intensity of the moment seemed to overwhelm Draco, and his words faltered as he attempted to articulate his justification. 

"I... I was...," he stammered, his faltering voice trailing off, further fueling her impatience.

But then, an unexpected turn of events abruptly disrupted the confrontation. A flicker of motion caught her attention, and her gaze shifted downward to the hem of Draco's robes. Flames began to lick at the fabric, the tendrils of fire dancing with an eerie grace. The scene transformed before her eyes, the vivid sunlit courtyard becoming a canvas for this surreal spectacle.

Instinctively, Y/N released her grip on Draco, her alarm momentarily replacing her anger. A flash of confusion and concern crossed her features as he fought to extinguish the fire, stomping on the fabric with urgency. 

"What're you doing?" She spat.

"I don't know! Put it out!" Draco exclaimed, Y/N's gaze hardening on him.

"Deserved. You're nothing but an prick who deserves to burn in the flames of hell!" She spat as she turned on her heels, walking away. Crabbe and Goyle desperately tried to stomp on Draco's robes, but the flames seemed undettered as it only grew larger. Evidently, Draco just took off his robe and ran away.


Entering the study hall, Y/N sought refuge in the familiar environment, sliding into a seat beside Aurora with a heavy sigh. The exasperation that hung in the air around her was almost palpable, casting a shadow over her demeanor. 

The turmoil within her was evident, even as she laid her papers down on the table before her, a gesture that mirrored the disarray of her thoughts. 

"You okay?" Sophie's voice cut through the air, carrying genuine concern. Y/N managed a nod, her teeth gritted in a combination of frustration and restraint.

"Brilliant," she grumbled, her tone laced with a mixture of sarcasm and exasperation. The simple response encapsulated a complex array of emotions she was wrestling with.

As conversations hummed around them, Y/N's attention wavered between the papers in front of her and the interactions taking place nearby. The mention of Hermione Granger drew her focus, prompting a glance towards the Gryffindor with a quizzical expression. 

Seraphina's whisper painted a vivid image for her: Hermione, immersed in her work, papers spread out before her, and the telltale sign of fatigue evident in the bags under her eyes.

"We don't even have exams, she's really going at it," Sophie's voice was filled with a mix of awe and admiration, mirroring the sentiment shared by many who observed Hermione's relentless dedication.

A sense of realization stirred within Y/N, a tinge of guilt threading its way through her thoughts. Her mind retraced the steps that had led to her lighthearted teasing of Hermione, the Ravenclaw's higher score in the past coming back to haunt her now. Y/N hadn't anticipated that her jests would ignite such a passionate response.

"She's amazing," Aurora whispered, her voice tinged with genuine respect for Hermione's relentless pursuit of knowledge.

The words hung in the air, a testament to Hermione's reputation as the brightest witch of their age. However, Y/N's inner turmoil was unyielding, prompting her to challenge the perception. 

"She's really not," she murmured, her response barely audible but laced with an edge of bitterness.

Aurora raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued by Y/N's contradictory sentiment. "She's the brightest witch of our age," she countered, her tone calm but firm.

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed as she leaned in, her retort laden with a sense of determination. "I can be the brightest witch of our age too. I got higher scores than her without even trying," she asserted, the words a mix of self-assuredness and defiance.

Aurora's gaze held Y/N's for a moment, a silent exchange of perspectives and opinions. Yet, Sophie's voice interrupted the moment, punctuating the conversation. "But you're not. She is," Sophie's words held an air of finality, a statement that seemed to settle the matter in her eyes.

"Are you okay, Y/N? You've never been this..." Sophie paused, finding the words. "Bitter." she deadpanned. "Salty." she added.

Y/N's gaze flickered towards Sophie, her frustration momentarily redirected. The accusation of being "bitter" and "salty" hung in the air, a mirror held up to her emotions. The words resonated, challenging her to confront the undercurrents of jealousy and pride that had been swirling within her. 

"Shut it, Turner," Y/N's retort was sharp, her tone reflecting the annoyance that simmered just beneath the surface. Sophie's words had probed a sore spot, and Y/N's immediate response was to push back.

Sophie's exasperated scoff conveyed her frustration at the sudden dismissal. "You know you can tell us your problems, right? We're friends, after all," Sophie's voice carried a hint of genuine concern, an attempt to bridge the gap that had emerged.

Y/N's response was swift, yet laced with bitterness. "Oh, shut up. You're only friends with me because of my family name. That's all you three take me for, the eldest daughter of the prolonged 'Caspian Crimson'" her words carried an edge of cynicism, a defense mechanism in the face of vulnerability. 

As she gathered her papers and abruptly sat up from her seat, her departure left the three Ravenclaws in her wake, their expressions a mixture of surprise and bewilderment. The outburst had been unexpected, revealing a side of Y/N they hadn't often seen.

Yet, as soon as the words left Y/N's mouth, a pang of realization hit her. They weren't true, not entirely. She knew deep down that her friends' intentions were sincere, that their bonds extended beyond mere associations. The guilt of her words was immediate, but the weight of her emotions had momentarily overridden her rationality.

In that moment, Y/N grappled with conflicting emotions. Draco's actions had cast a shadow over her ability to trust anyone fully. The betrayal she had experienced, the deception that had been woven around her, had fostered a sense of skepticism that was difficult to shake off. She found herself questioning the authenticity of relationships, wondering if anyone truly knew her for who she was, beyond her family name or external perceptions.

As Y/N's steps carried her away, her own thoughts were a whirlwind of doubt and self-reflection. She realized that her outburst had been born from a place of fear, a fear of vulnerability, and a fear of being hurt again. The complexities of human connection had always been a puzzle, but now, in the midst of her inner turmoil, that puzzle seemed even more enigmatic.

The study hall continued its steady rhythm, unfazed by the emotional storm that had just swept through. And in that moment, as Y/N grappled with her internal conflicts, the true nature of friendship and trust remained a challenge she was yet to fully embrace.


Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now