🥰💔Port Mafia A.u💔🥰

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Hey guys, so I know I already made a Port Mafia A.u, but I wanted to make another one. And this time I was feeling for a daddy Kunikida. (Stfu I'm stoopid ok?)

So basically Kunikida is a member of the Port Mafia and the story takes place a little after the Armed Detective Agency executed a raid on the Port Mafia and failed.
In a last resort ditch attempt, they gave Atsushi the wrong directions to the place they were going to meet up to recover so the Port Mafia would take him hostage and this would give the rest of the Armed Detective Agency a chance to escape.

Also keep in mind, our Atsu had no idea what was going on.

But it didn't take long for him to realize that he was abandoned once again.

Also, to explain the photo all the way up there, I searched up 'Port Mafia Kunikida' and Google presented me that, and it works so I guess we're using Mayoi cards now.

Atsushi pov


Why me?

After so long I felt like I finally found a place where I belonged.

"Didn't I tell you? No matter what you do nobody will ever love or care for you. You useless good for nothing. You will never amount to anything and never mean anything to anybody." The orphanage director towered over me, spitting words that clawed into my chest like daggers.

Before, his voice was so quiet I almost couldn't hear him anymore.
Now it booms in my head and it seems like it's echoing across the walls of the dungeons
It burned my ears to hear his voice. The headaches it gave me were surreal.
I felt slow tears dipping down my face.
It didn't take long for me to start bawling.

The director pulled out the discipline stick that was mostly used on me and started to hit me with it.
Even though it was just an illusion, it hurt so much. Almost even more than when I was actually in the orphanage.

"Quit bawling like a brat." I hear a voice say from the outside of my cage.
I look up to see one of the members from the Port Mafia, a blonde-haired man. I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was.

"Originally the boss was supposed to decide your fate, but there was a change of plans, so now I get to choose. And don't you dare try anything, I have special permission from the boss to kill you on site if necessary." He says as he opens the cell door and yanks my wrists closer to him so he can put on the handcuffs.

He dragged me down into a level lower than the cell I was in. I was careful not to look at his face. If I did, I would definitely start blushing and that would be humiliating.

"It's funny, isn't it?" He suddenly speaks up, surprising me. "How the agency keeps speaking of their morals and all that and yet when things become dire they sacrifice the member most likely to fall for it. The Port Mafia certainly does dirty business but we would never sacrifice one of our own unless they choose to."

I stay silent. "Are you pitying me?"
"Most definitely." He answers almost immediately.
"I've heard of you. You're Astushi Nakajima aren't you? You've given so much the the Detective Agency. If the Mafia had someone as useful as you, we could never bear to sacrifice your skill and loyalty."

"T-thank you." I muttered. What a Port Mafia member just said to me was more praise than I had ever gotten from the Agency.

There was an eternity of stunned silence before he spoke again.
"Would you like to join the Port Mafia?"

"What!?" I yelp.

"I mean," He starts to backtrack. "Wouldn't it be so badass of you that the next time they show up for battle you're on the Port Mafia's side?"

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