|| 9. I Hate You! (UN-EDITED)

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Y/N was seated at the Ravenclaw table, her gaze fixed on her plate, her mind a distant place. She toyed with her food, nibbling at it in small, almost absent bites. If anyone inquired about her plate, it would seem as if she was merely serving a small feast to a cat.

"Eat more," Sophie urged, piling Y/N's plate with a generous serving of food.

Her friends exchanged concerned glances, puzzled by how Y/N managed to maintain a healthy appearance despite her meager meals. Hidden behind her outward facade, her eating habits held a secret struggle. They persistently encouraged her to eat heartier portions, and after some initial resistance, Y/N would eventually give in.

Reluctantly, she scooped up a spoonful of mashed potatoes and brought it to her lips. Casting a sideways glance, her brow furrowed in perplexity as an unexpected commotion filled the Great Hall. A multitude of owls swooped in through the open windows, bearing a flurry of packages and letters.

Among the items that rained down, Y/N perceived that most were mundane, likely gifts and tokens of affection. Letters had become a rarity in the age of technology, a time when phones held sway. 

As her attention returned to her own business, a package descended before her, drawing her curiosity. Tension tightened her features as she examined the sender's name on the label. Her smile wavered, eyes darkening with intensity and her jaw clenching involuntarily.

To: Y/N Thornfield Crimson 

From: Caspian Crimson

With a mixture of reluctance and defiance, Y/N ventured to unbox the package from her father, her sneer growing more pronounced. It rankled her that he hadn't found it worth his while to extend an invitation to his manor after three long years. Yet here he was, audaciously sending her an inconsequential box. Her frustration simmered beneath the surface.

Slowly, she unveiled the contents of the box, her expression remaining inscrutable, her jaw clenched tight. A flicker of confusion crossed her features when her gaze settled upon a Luminous Hearthstone nestled in a cushion of black foam. 

The stone radiated a brilliant luminance at its core, only to wane, adopting a shade of gray that seemed to mirror her own puzzlement. Irritation prickled within her, her scowl deepening as she muttered under her breath, words edged with exasperation. 

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Her discontent found voice, and almost as if in response, the stone transitioned to a fiery red, a visual testament to her mounting frustration.

Seraphina's curiosity piqued as she leaned in closer, her gaze fixed on the enigmatic object. "What's that?" she inquired, her voice tinged with intrigue.

Y/N's response was a soft murmur, heavy with uncertainty. "I don't know," she admitted, her attention riveted on the peculiar item before her.

Aurora, her interest now piqued, joined the conversation with a note of enlightenment. "Oh, isn't that an Empathic Emberstone?" she interjected, her tone carrying a hint of intrigue.

The mention of this unfamiliar term brought a quizzical raise of Y/N's eyebrows. "A what?" she questioned, her curiosity evident.

"An Empathic Emberstone," Aurora reiterated matter-of-factly. "It's a magical gem that can mirror the emotions of its possessor," she explained, casting light on the mysterious nature of the object.

Y/N's initial skepticism was palpable, a slight scoff escaping her lips. The idea of a stone replicating emotions seemed preposterous. "So, he doesn't talk to me for years. His eldest daughter; and after months of not talking, he sends me a stupid toy? Is this a joke?" Her frustration and disappointment with her father's gesture were unmistakable, her voice laced with a mix of disbelief and resentment.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now