Chapter 1: Part 1

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All events of the story take place in Russia, since the fanfic was written in RussianAU


«I'll take a look at the neighbor's garden!»

Early morning. The sun lazily emerged from the horizon. All around was shrouded in a white veil of fog. Dew glistened in the golden sunbeams. Nobody. Only somewhere in the distance you can hear the barking of dogs and the sonorous chirping of birds.

The creak of an old door. A sleepy young man slowly walked out onto the porch, and after him a red cat looked out reluctantly and immediately did not miss the opportunity to rub himself against the owner's legs. The morning chill was pleasantly refreshing. Immediately felt a surge of strength and good mood.

Stretching, the boy cautiously stepped down from the porch. A couple of steps were already missing, and hands still couldn't reach to fix them. But before reaching the gate, the blonde with a joyful bark is knocked down by a big dog. The guy falls on the damp grass with a ringing laugh. In a moment, a smooth tongue leaves a wet trail on a pale face. The young man's thin hands gently ruffle his thick fur. Every morning begins with meeting a true friend, not with a cup of coffee.

Finally getting to his feet, the blond went to the gate and took away an old fishing rod along with an iron bucket, in which there was a certain jar. Leaving his yard, the guy found himself on a street well known to him. Old rickety houses stood in rows a little further from the road. The sun's rays reflected beautifully in the dirty windows. Low wooden fences were painted with beautiful patterns. Too bad the paint started to fade. Dogs chased other people's cats behind fences. It's funny.

The guy cheerfully walked along the broken road, peered into his native landscapes and hummed a cheerful melody under his breath. The dog was catching up with the owner, spinning underfoot and absurdly begging for affection. This amused the young man only more and broke into a light laugh.

As soon as the blond reached the end of his street, he turned into the forest. The only narrow path led somewhere into the distance, it is difficult to get lost. But a certain fear and excitement still settled in the soul. Deep breath in and out. Green eyes watched with interest how the golden rays beautifully fell between the trees onto the tall grass. As the veil of fog began to slowly dissipate. And the morning cheerful chirping of birds caressed the ear and cheered up.

While the boy was mesmerized by the beauty of the local scenery, someone crept up behind him. A couple of seconds and other people's hands jokingly give a pretty strong cuff. A moment later, there was a strangled hiss. The blond whirled around, clutching at the impact site. And a young man of foreign appearance with a loud bark tried to grab the dog by the leg. Again there was loud laughter.

— Ha-ha-ha!! Serves you right! — Said the blond and made a satisfied expression. It's good to have a loyal defender nearby.

— Damn, Thoma, get your dog away from me, like a brother! — Desperately asked the young man, still running through the tall grass from the mongrel. I didn't have any strength in the morning, and then there was physical activity. Some nightmare!

— What can you do with you, and even if it's brotherly, — How easily the green-eyed one took pity on his friend. — Ahem .. Koresh (Russian dog's name "Koresh" like english "Homie"), to the leg! — Thoma ordered and abruptly changed his behavior. A serious expression on his face, a heavy look and this slight anger in his voice. The dog only whimpered plaintively, but nevertheless returned to the owner. A guy ran up next, holding his shoes in his hands.

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