chapter 52: "Guess you were into bad boys after all."

Start from the beginning

Speaking of Noah and Rachel, I spot them coming our way. Rachel's in a pink satin dress that suits her perfectly, walking effortlessly in her strappy heels. 

"Grammarly," she says warmly, pulling me in for a hug. "You look amazing."

"Thanks," I say, giving her a smile. "You too."

"Well well Satan Wayne," says Rachel once we've disentangled our limbs. "You're looking pretty dapper too."

He shrugs and I'm surprised to see him look a little self conscious! I pres my lips together to try not to smile, but I let out a giggle as soon as Satan looks my way. he smiles too, not knowing why I'm laughing, 

"What about me?" asks Noah.

We all look at him. He's stnding there in a suit too. Rachel rolls her orbs. "As if you need any more compliments after that car ride over."

His cheeks go a bit pink and I disguise my laugh with a cough. 

"Anyway," says Rachel, "how long are we sticking around for?"

I glance around, seeing that Bender and Asda are talking animadetly by the windows, and Jasmine and Berk are twirling each other around. Jorge is dancing fiercely all on his own, bravely, baldly gayly. "One more song," I say.

Rachel smiles. "One more song it is."

* * *

After whats more like three songs, we all cram into the limo to go to our next destination: Rachel's aunt's house, over in Chaneyview, the next town over. All squahsed in together I can hardly breathe, and my nerves dont help as we drive along.  Satan holds my hand tightly the whole way there, but we don't look at each other. 

Soon we arrive and all spill out the car like water out of a bucket. Rachel knocks on her aunt's door, and then it opens. A familiar yet unfamiliar boy stands in the doorwar. A little taller, a little broader, hair buzzed. But it's still him.

"Brok," I whisper, and before I even realize it I'm running straight past Rachel and striaght into his arms.

I almost knock him right over, but he remains steady, and after a moment he wraps his arms around me too. "I missed you," he whispers into my hair.

I let out a little sob, not even caring that my makeup's gona be totaly ruin. I want to hate him, even though it wasnt his fault it took him time to let us know he was alive, since he was very severely injured and evrything. But there is sometging else i can be mad about: "Your such a deviled egg!" i wail at him. "how dare you not come back sooner"

He gently lets go and takes a step back. "Me and jackie had to sort somthing out first"

Furhter down the hall, a nervous looking jackie gives me a little wave. Her hair's now platinum blonde, held back by a blue hairband. She's rubbing a burn scar on her bare arm, and I give her a smile, trying to reasure her. She smiles back, but it's faint.

There's a suden crash as berk crashes into brok with a crash and rthey crash to the ground like a big car crash, but with crashing people instead of crashing cars. 

Meanwhile, Satan has come up behind me. I brush my hand, noticing that he seems to be trembling.

"Jackie." He says it in a whisper so quiet only I can hear hi.

"Go," I say to him quietly.

And so he does. He takes a step in front of me, and Jackie watches, pale, as he approaches her. He says something to her, in a low voice, and she nods. And then they go into another room, leaving me to wonder what they'll talk about.

"You okay?" asks Noah to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I let out a steady breath, before smiling at him. "Yeah."

* * *

Later, when everyone's talked, and half of us are dancing and half laying down on Rachel's aunt's couches, I sway with Asda along to some random pop song, cheeks warm from happiness. Satan's talking with Brok by the window, Noah and Rachel are curled up on the couch, while Berk is chatting with Jackie. Madoc is telling Jasmine and Bender about Asexuals Against Drunk Driving, while Jorge is doing the Harlem shake. Alone. 

As my orbs dart over to Satan, who's talking with Brok, Asda nudges my shoulder. "Guess you were into bad boys afte all, huh?" She gives me an amused smile.

I laugh and look back over at Satan. As soon as he notices my gaze, he looks back at me. "Yeah," I say softly, without taking my orbs off of him. "I guess I was."

Asda sighs. "Tell us your secrets, grammarly." I folow her gaze over to Bender, that bad boy surfer dude. "how do you get a bad boy to love you?"

"Ha," I say with an eye roll. "I don't think you need any help there Asda."

"Maybe not," she says, a faint smile on her lips.

A few mintues later, Satan comes over, and wraps his arms around my waist. Asda rolls her orbs and walks off, leaving us to it.

"What are you thinkin bout" he say into my ear with whispering sexual

"Oh nothing" I say with a smile. "Just thinking about how great it is to have everyone together again like this. Even if Brok and Jackie are leaving soon." I let out a little sigh. "I don't know. Everyone just looks so beautiful and happy."

He grins and  caresses my elbow "they've all got nothing on you, kitten"

"shut up" I say, but i cant help but laugh. "Now you're jus being ridiculous."

"Thats because i'm ridiculously in love with you," he says seriously.

I let out a scoff like a scone. "Whats gone and made you so mushy, huh? What happeend to the rude bad boy you used to be?" 

He just smiles and leans down until our faces are just inches apart.

"He fell in love, of course," he whispers. And then he kisses me.


Oh my eggs!!! To anyone who made it this far: THANK YOU for sticking with me so long!!!!!!! I can't even tel you how much gratititide I have for my readers!!!

I put everything into this book, and it took a whole year for me to complete! During that time I had a mild breakdown, got lice, accidentally set my hair on fire, fell in love then gave up my boyfriend for this book (sorry alistair) but here i am on the other side! I can now say I'VE FINISHED WRITEING A NOVEL!!!

I hope you can see my growth here. I tried so hard to make it perfect and by the end I was writing in different POOVs and experimenting with different chapter length!

Stay tuned for my next project 👀

And finally, to quote Ever After High: 

The End Is Just The begining!

Who knows what the future holds! An epilogue, bonus chapters, an improved rewrite, a spin-off... The possibilites are endless, so stay tuned! Check back once in a while for updates (:

One more HUGEEEE thanks to you all for embarking on this journey with me,

Love, Bethany ❤︎

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