Chapter 7

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Jessie POV

People were cheering for the Vorpal Sword team, but all Kagami and Aomine could do was argue over the fact that Kagami scored. Allen went over to talk to Silver, and he made a comment and I could feel the anger burning off of Silver from my seat. "Just make sure you send the ball my way, they're all gonna die," Silver said giving off a deadly aura. 'I don't have a good feeling about his new aura,' I thought as I watched Silver closely.

3rd Person POV

The ball was dribbled down the court by Nash again and he passed it to Silver, but he was stuck because both Kagami and Murisakibura were guarding him. I chuckled a little because all the guys were acting annoyed at the fact that Kagami was a part of the team, but I knew deep inside that they were glad to have him there. "Ugh, I'm gonna barf, I can't stand working with this guy. Just so we're clear, I'm only doing this so we can win, ok," Murisakibura said with an annoyed expression. "Can't you jerks just shut up and accept that we're teammates?" Kagami shot back annoyed too. They were working together to keep Silver at bay, and Silver was getting frustrated. Zack came over to get the ball, "Hey, I'm open Silver. Give the ball here," he said. "Huh, you think these twerps are enough to stop me in my tracks? I don't need your punk ass to help me," Silver shot back, and tried to burst through Kagami and Murisakibura. But Aomine got there first, "As I thought. I knew you were never going to pass the ball," he said stealing it, "Come on big guy, your making it too easy," he continued as smirked at Silver. "YOU DAMN DIRTY APE!!!" Silver yelled anger simmering over.

Aomine caught the ball and was stopped by Allen and Zack before he could dribble. "Aomine!!" Kuroko called out. "Man, I was planning on blasting right through these guys but fine Tetsu," he underhand passed it to Kuroko, "Here take it," he finished. The pass was too high and Kuroko barely managed to catch it. He passed it to the other end of the court to Kise who again took off running down the court. "Another great pass Kuroko-chi" Kise said while catching it. He jumped into the air, "Alright, now it's time to show everyone here what I can do," he said as he dunked the ball into the hoop, making the shot. "And he makes the shot. Vorpal Swords coming in with multiple consecutive scores!!" the announcer shouted and everyone cheered.

Vorpal Swords, minus Kise, were making their way back on defense. "Whew, Your passes are way too sloppy Aomine, it's sort of surprising," Kuroko said, bluntly. Aomine flinched, "Well, we score, didn't we?" he said annoyed. "Nah, that only happened thanks to Kuroko," Kagami said. "Yo suck Mine-chin" Murisakibura teased. Aomine slumped in shame but shot up annoyed, "Oh, shut your mouth." "Hey, why isn't anybody giving me props on that dunk-achino," Kise popped in from behind them. The buzzer went off, "We're heading into halftime with a two-basket score difference. Looks like these super-star teams are an even match," the announcer said.

Nash POV

We walked over to the bench and sat down, but Silver was so livid. He kicked a chair and broke the seat of it, also knocking down a water bottle. "Damn those monkeys. I'm going to make them pay for this in the second half," he said his eyes filled with rage. "Silver," I said, he looked at me and flinched. "Settle the hell down," he calmed down for a second to listen, "Try not to worry, you can go even wilder in the second half. We simply need to work on scattering their defense. So I will take care of clearing a path for you," I said and glared at the floor smirking too. "Now who's ready for a song by another superstar, Angel?!?!?!" the announcer said as Jessie walked out waving at the crowd with a smile. I softened for a second seeing her walking out, but I put my stone face right back on. I didn't need to get distracted from my goal.

Akashi POV

I was watching as Jessie walked out on the court with her mic waving to the crowd. "What's up, everybody!?!?! Who's ready to hear a song?" she announced and everyone cheered. "Alright, this song goes out to the Vorpal Sword team, I'm rooting for you, and I how you come out as Champions," she said looking over at every one on our bench.

(Singing, Talking)

"I'll be the last one standing
Two hands in the air, I'm a champion
You'll be looking up at me when it's over
I live for the battle, I'm a soldier, yeah
I'm a fighter like Rocky
Put your flag on your back like Ali
Yeah, I'm the greatest I'm stronger
Paid my dues, can't lose, I'm own ya, ay
I've been working my whole life
And now it's do or die
I am invincible, unbreakable
Unstoppable, unshakeable
They knock me down, I get up again
I am the champion, you're gon' know my name
You can't hurt me now, I can't feel the pain
I was made for this, yeah, I was born to win
I am the champion
When they write my story
They gonna say that I did it for the glory
But don't think that I did it for the fame, yeah
I did it for the love of the game, yeah
And this is my chance I'm taking
All them old records, I'm breaking
All you people watching on the TV
You go ahead and put your bets on me, ay
I've been waiting my whole life
To see my name in lightsI am invincible, unbreakable
Unstoppable, unshakeable
They knock me down, I get up again
I am the champion, you're gon' know my name
You can't hurt me now, I can't feel the pain
I was made for this, yeah, I was born to win
I am the champion, oh-oh-ohhhh

Sing it with me!!!

I am invincible, unbreakable
Unstoppable, unshakeable
They knock me down, I get up again
I am the champion, you're gon' know my name
You can't hurt me now, I can't feel the pain
I was made for this, yeah, I was born to win
I am the championI'm the champion, yeah, surpassed all rivalsIt's all about who wants it the most
I am the champion
Fight for what we believe in
That's what champions are made of
I am the champion (Yeah, champion)"

She was done singing and the whole crowd was cheering, Momoi and Aida had tears in their eyes and the whole team smiled at the support we had from the crowd and Jessie herself. "Jabberwock, you better watch out 'cause Vorpal Swords are coming at you with everything they got," she said looking at Jabberwock with a slight smirk. She walked over to our bench and smiled. I stood us and she surprised me with a hug. I hugged her back and I felt a hard gaze toward the side of my head. I glance over and see Nash glaring at me with rage in his eyes. I released Jessie and looked into her eyes and she smiled. 'I have really started to fall for her,' I thought as I started to listen to the coach's words.

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