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Two Months Later

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Two Months Later...

Elaena and Aemond poured over their lessons together in silence, only speaking to ask a question or point out something of interest to one another. They had gotten back on good terms rather quickly, much to his mother's dismay. 

"Are you happy about your betrothal?" He asked suddenly. It was a strange question, considering they weren't even speaking about such things when he asked it.

"Of course; it will mend the rift between our families and end the conflicts between our people and theirs." She frowned. "Father is upset about it. He keeps telling me I deserve to make my own choices."

"You should, but I see why this marriage has been imposed on you... but are you truly complacent? You've never wanted the choice?" He never really had the chance to know Elaena's true opinions on things, she only ever gave the answers everyone wanted to hear. Something in his mind always wanted to know what she truly thought.

"I suppose it would have been nice to choose my husband, but I enjoy Qyle's company, and I know that there are far worse matches out there." She wasn't lying; Qyle was kind and caring, but perhaps she would have found someone else if she had the choice. Maybe she wouldn't have sinned if she hadn't been introduced to the Dornish royals.

"Are you nervous about being the Queen one day?"

"I've been raised to sit on the Iron Throne since I could speak." She frowned again. "Sometimes I wonder how many people will truly support me; will I be a beloved Queen or just a woman that broke tradition?"

"I would support you." He said quietly. They finished their lessons quickly after that and parted ways, with Aemond going to train and Elaena going for a ride with The Cannibal.

When she returned, her mother was waiting for her, holding a letter. This time it was from Aliandra. Elaena opened it quickly, her eyes reading faster than her brain could comprehend.


My family is very sorry for your aunt's loss. House Martell sends its deepest condolences and would like to formally invite the royal family to Sunspear for a visit. A letter from my father has already been sent to the King, and we eagerly await your response. 

Gods and MenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora