22. Birthday Girl

Start from the beginning

It's so hard to see someone who was your entire world, look completely un-phased by your absence. Y'know what they say 'if your absence doesn't matter to them, then neither did your presence.' And I'm starting to think it's true.

I quickly sped back to Dave's in a hysterical state, praying to god that Dave wasn't home.

Once I got there, to my luck Dave's car wasn't in his driveway.

I sprinted up the stairs, and immediately shut myself in the closet and locked it. I frantically tore my closet apart looking for my extra bag of smack. I always kept some hidden, just in case.

I finally found the bag, after tearing apart everything in my closet. I frantically went to grab a needle, and my lighter. I heated the shit up, and I ended up shooting up like 6 fucking times. I was honestly surprised I wasn't fucking dead yet, hell it almost felt like it.

I just couldn't handle the fucking excruciating pain, it was so unbearable that it physically my my entire body feel weak. I just couldn't handle it, so I did the only thing I know how to do.

Shoot up, and run from it.

I stuck the needle in my arm, shooting up just one more time. Before I could even take it out, everything just went black.


Dave's Point of View

I walked into the house around 7. I'd been gone for a good 6 hours now, but I expected Hailey to back by now.

I saw her car parked in my driveway, so at first I didn't think anything of it.

I walked into the house and it was silent, but it wasn't normally silence. Something about it gave me goosebumps, the weirdly eerie silence of the house slowly started to make my stomach churn.

Something wasn't right.

I yelled Hailey's name several times, walking around the house, checking different rooms for her. The more time went by, the more I started to lose my shit.

Something was so very wrong right now, and My heart was pounding inside of my chest.

I finally walked into what was supposed to be Hailey's room, even though she rarely actually slept in there. I almost walked out until I noticed her closet was shut, but the light was on inside of it.

I went over to the door and attempted to open it, only to find out it was locked.

I felt my breathing pick up, as I tried various ways to attempt to open the door. I started to scream Hailey's name, growing increasingly frustrated that I couldn't open this goddamn fucking door.

I finally decided to just rip the fucking doorknob out, and open it. I could always replace it.

I swung the door open, only for a horrified look to instantly take over my entire face. I just felt everything inside of me freeze.

Hailey was slumped against the back wall, passed out, with a needle shoved in her arm, and blood running down from it.

I ran over to her so fast I almost didn't realize I was moving.

"Hailey! Wake the fuck up!" I screamed shakily.

I sat there and shook her, lightly tapping her face in attempt to wake her up, but she wasn't budging. I started to cry out of frustration, she fucking overdosed.

I don't even know what happened, she was doing so well. I very well could've spoken to her for the last time today.

I sprinted down the stairs to call an ambulance, after I did that and they said they were on their way, I knew I needed to call Cliff. I mean that's his fucking sister, and I know he's gonna kill me 'cause I never told him about the whole heroin thing, but oh well.

Fading to Black // Kirk Hammett Where stories live. Discover now