32. I Fucking Love You

585 17 36

September 24th, 1984


I was zoned out, trailing off along with my thoughts, hardly hearing the clanking dishes, and various talking.

The guys had all planned to go out to dinner as a band, and they all wanted me to go.

Mainly James.

I was sat next to James, who was talking to Lars. Lars sat across from James, Cliff was on the opposite side of James, Lars' new 'girlfriend' was in the seat next to him, and across from me was an empty seat.

I remained to myself, as everyone was talking and laughing amongst each other. I faintly heard the bell ring, that hung above the entrance door to the restaurant.

Shortly after I felt James nudge me with his elbow, sending me out of my blank stare. I turned my head to face James, and a cheesy grin creep onto his face as he pointed toward the door.

"Your lover boys here." He mumbles in my ear, continuing to have that cheesy grin plastered upon his face.

I immediately snapped my neck towards to front door, instantly seeing Kirk looking around the restaurant for us. His gaze shortly meets mine, and his face lights up as he runs over to our table.

"Sorry Im late, traffic was pretty fucked." He giggled out awkwardly, taking a seat across from me.

He smiled brightly at me, as I shyly smiled back at him.

Even after all this, I still feel like a middle-school girl around him.

The rest of the guys quickly greeted him, James nudging me before they went back to their previous conversation.

I looked over at Kirk, who looked equally as bored of their conversation as I was. All they usually talked about was strippers, alcohol, music, and shitting on Dave. Kirk usually only found interest when they talked about music or alcohol.

I sighed and turned back towards the rest of the guys, trying to tune into the conversation a bit. Shortly after feeling something lightly kick my foot, I looked over to see a giggling Kirk.

He motioned his head towards Lars, and started mocking him. I was trying my hardest to contain my laughter, my face went red, and I slapped my hand over my mouth.

They all turned towards me, Kirk looked up at the ceiling innocently whistling. Lars rolled his eyes at me and they returned to their conversation, Kirk started mocking him again, this time more dramatically.

James saw Kirk and I out of the corner of his eye and started laughing. Shortly after Kirk and I couldn't container our laughter anymore, and we broke out into hysterical fits of laughter. Our faces were red, tears were streaming down our faces, and we could barely breathe.

Kirk ended up falling out of his chair, causing James and I to laugh even harder. I even saw Cliff chuckling in the corner, Lars however wasn't amused.

Shortly later we had gotten our food, which was actually really good, and we all made some nice small talk with each other.

Kirk and I had ended up talking to one another, more so than the rest of the guys, but still we made conversation with them.

A little while later James, Lars, and Cliff decided they wanted to go to some club on the sunset strip. Kirk didn't seem to eager to go and offered to take me home instead.

Cliff and I both said that I'd be perfectly fine walking home, but Kirk insisted. He just wasn't taking no for an answer. James and Lars must've caught onto something that I didn't get, because they kept cheekily grinning at each other.

Fading to Black // Kirk Hammett Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora