15. Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

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February 14th, 1984


It's only been a week since Kirk and I found out that they were going on tour a lot sooner than we had anticipated, and to our misfortune their manager had decided to send them a week early to fit more shows in.

I was devastated to say the least. Here I was thinking I had another week with him, which still didn't seem like enough, and now that times being cut short. He's gonna be on tour until July.

We had spent every waking moment with one another, for the past 4 months. Every day, every night, we were together. If one of us had to go somewhere, the other followed along.

How the fuck am I gonna go 6 fucking months without him? Hell, what if he finds someone else, or fucks a bunch of groupies while he's gone. I'd like to think he wouldn't, but I don't know he could very well get sucked into the lifestyle of  sex, drugs, and rock n roll.

Of course they had to leave on fucking valentine's day too. Kirk and I had a whole day planned together for today, but that was instantly thrown out the window. Now here I was at the airport, sobbing while saying goodbye to my boyfriend who I wont see until July.

I seriously was crying non-stop, tears just wouldn't stop flowing, maybe I'm being dramatic but I honestly couldn't care less.

"Baby don't cry." Kirk let out a deeply saddened chuckle, cupping my face. "I'll call you every night I promise."

"Promise?" I asked holding up my pinky.

He hummed sadly in response, wrapping his pinky around mine, kissing the other side of his hand.

He then wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me in a tight hug, he was squeezing me so much to the point where I didn't know if he'd ever actually let go.

He loosened his grip on me, so that he could tenderly press his lips against mine. This kiss felt like no other I'd ever experienced. It felt dreadful, full of so much unspoken love, yet so much gut wrenching sadness. It was the physical definition of something being bittersweet.

The rest of the guys had already boarded their plane, their manager yelling for Kirk.

He pulled away from the kiss, his glossy eyes meeting mine. He quickly kissed some of the tears off my face, before slowly letting me go.

He crouched down picking up his stuff, that he'd carelessly thrown to floor when he came to say his goodbyes.

Their manager repeatedly screamed his name, quickly losing patience.

"I'm fucking coming man!" Kirk screamed back frustratedly. Scrambling to pick up the things that had fallen out of his bags.

I had to say it now, I seriously could not hold it in anymore. I physically and mentally couldn't.

I sighed quickly wiping tears from my eyes. "Kirk?" I said quietly.

"Yeah baby?" He responded through his sniffles, as he stood up.

I swallowed hard, tears began streaming down my face. Kirk cupped my face with his hands, "It's okay. What were you gonna say?" He spoke softly.

I took a deep breath, and held it in momentarily."I love you." I'd finally managed to let it out, my voice barely a whisper.

His expression dropped to an even sadder one than he'd had before,tears quickly leaving his eyes. His mouth slightly opened as he was about to say something.

"Kirk lets fucking go now!" Their manager screamed storming up behind him.

Kirk sighed, wiping his tears from his eyes, and picking up his bags.

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