10. Please Don't Go

784 17 34

October 19th, 1983


I was in my room playing guitar, as the phone downstairs had started ringing. I sighed setting my guitar down, walking downstairs to see who's calling. Cliff wasn't home, he was at practice per usual.

Some people were also calling me from the downstairs phone, since I had yanked mine out of the wall when I was having a meltdown. So if that's the case I'd rather it not be Cliff answering my calls.

I sighed and picked up the phone, "Hello ?" I said curiously.

"Hailey?" Kirks relief and worry filled voice, rang through the phone.

"Hi Kirk." I mumbled.

I genuinely thought he was just done with me, cause' yet again he decided to just go days without speaking to me. So why he's calling me, I'm not entirely sure.

"Is everything okay? I was starting to worry about you," He said as his voice shook a little, taking a deep breath. "I've been trying to call you but it said the line disconnected."

"Oh." Was all I managed to say for a moment. "I uh- kinda ripped my phone out of the wall." I laughed a bit rubbing the back of my head.

I heard Kirk chuckle lightly through the phone.

"I'm sorry I haven't talked to you, I've had a ton of shit going on with the guys, and all the stuff with trying to write the new album y'know." He said sincerely.

I felt bad. Here I was again, overreacting.

"It's okay. I get it, that stuffs stressful. I know it stresses out Cliff." I said sighing.

"Yeah, that it is." he chuckled again. "Do you wanna maybe come over later? I need some help with a solo for this one song, and the guys said you're pretty good with this stuff." He questioned.

"Sure, I'll be over in 20" I smiled to myself softly.

"I cant wait to see you." He said quietly, partially as if he didn't want me to hear it.

The smile on my face grew a bit.

"Bye Kirk." I said cheerfully as I hung up the phone.


I spent a few minutes getting ready. I took a fast shower, and left my curly hair alone to fall in it's natural pattern. I put on jeans, and my Kill 'Em All T-shirt.

I headed out to my car, and started it as I slid into the drivers seat, revving the engine before I sped off.

I really need to stop driving like I'm a total dick.

I finally arrived at Kirks apartment. I hesitantly walked up to the door and knocked on it. After a few seconds it swung open, revealing a brightly-smiling Kirk.

"Hey cutie." He said smiling at me, stepping towards me, engulfing me in a hug.

"Hi." I said sheepishly, returning the hug.

He was being a lot more... affectionate, than he usually was. Not that I'm complaining it's just a bit strange, but the good kind.

"Let's go downstairs, that's where my guitars n' stuff are at." He said as he took my hand, leading me to his basement.

Not gonna lie I thought he was gonna murder me for a moment. I mean going in the basement in someone's house you've never been to before? It's like something out of a horror movie, you're basically just asking to be murdered. Of course, Kirk seems too sweet for that, but hey you never know.

I followed behind him like a lost puppy as we were walking into his basement. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen, there were gorgeous guitars covering that walls, and albums set on shelves everywhere.

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