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Thank you to UndertaleDarcy15 for seeing my mistake. I did put this chapter on the wrong book/story. Thanks again.


The group were able to reach Mae's cave and placed the Night Feeder in another cave, close to hers. It was big enough to feed the Night Feeder in, and there was even a curtain of vines to keep sunlight from coming in. The carnivore was very sensitive to the light and refused to get out unless it's dark out. Big Eatie and Little Eatie stayed close by, watching them, and making sure that the Night Feeder doesn't cause any problems like last night. The rest of the campers were still wary of the Night Feeder, even if it didn't show hostility yet, they wouldn't let their guard down, not even for a second. But Val, Kendall, and Celestia seem to trust the Night Feeder. After all, Val just fixed its genetic coding as well as calming down his temper. Mae was able to get some intel, thanks to Val, as she writes down everything that Val says when she's speaking with the Night Feeder.

Turns out, it is a male, who had an immense growth spurt, and had trouble coping with his body. For he had no caretakers, just strange tentacles that have claws to care for him. Indicating that no humans have cared for the Night Feeder personally, only machines. It was sad and true, that's why the Night Feeder didn't have anyone to imprint, and his instincts took control to survive as he ended up killing mindlessly. But thankfully, Val healed him and restored some genetic coding that was missing in his DNA. And since he is now somewhat docile, Mae can carefully observe him without the Night Feeder constant growling.

"All right, everything seems to be in order." Mae said, finishing writing down her reports.

She and Val stood outside of the cave where the Night Feeder that Val named Slick, and studied his body form and structure, even though it was dark, Mae was able to see thanks to the night vision goggles she has in her cave. She was able to complete some or better yet, all of the missing information about Slick the Night Feeder.

"Thanks again for helping me, Val, it's much easier for me to study them up close with you calming them down." Mae said with a smile.

Val smiles back at her brightly, "You're very welcome, Dr. Turner!"

"Now, let's head back to the others," Mae said, earning a nod from Val.

"Okay, see you later, Slick! Be good." Val said to the Night Feeder, who lets out a small bellow for her.

Val and Mae returned back to the research cave, where they saw Sabe resting on a stone slab, enjoying the warmth of the sun with Stiggy and Bumpy. Big Eatie and Little Eatie were there, watching over the campers that were resting near the waterfall, thinking of a plan to get out of here. So far, from what they learned from Mae, there is a good chance for them to leave by plane since there is a transportation of cargo coming in within three days. Allowing the campers to escape the island safely. However, she heard that there are some important people coming here soon, she isn't sure who but there are going to be three of them.

"Okay, so when we reach the transport plane, we can contact people in Jurassic World to get us." Darius explained his plan to everyone.

"That sounds like a straightforward plan, but you forgot one thing," Kendall said, getting all eyes on her, "There could be Mantah Corp goons there. If they found out that we somehow got in their cargo plane, they would surely contact their superiors."

"Kendall's right, our safest option is to wait for Butler to come back for help." Brooklynn agrees with Kendall's plan.

"But what if he couldn't make it?" Kenji suddenly asked, "He could be eaten by a shark or something."

"Butler is an artificial intelligence, he thinks twice as fast as any computer, and besides, he'll get us help, just have faith." Kendall said to Kenji, who became silent.

The Little Girl goes to Camp CretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now