Camp Cretaceous

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Here is the first chapter. I hope you guys like it.


Jurassic World

A theme park which is considered the best and the most amazing place in the world. Why? It is filled with dinosaurs, living breathing dinosaurs that went extinct billions of years ago. How is it possible you ask? It's simple. Thanks to a scientist named Henry Wu, he and his team had discovered large amounts of dinosaur DNA, Dr. Wu proposed that they could start to clone dinosaurs by filling in the missing parts of the dinosaur genome with DNA from extant species. They were able to clone dinosaurs. These dinosaurs were supposed to be an attraction for the CEO of InGen, John Hammond, for his dream park called Jurassic Park. It was his dream of bringing back dinosaurs from extinction for the people to see and admire. His dream of bringing dinosaurs back to life came true. But sadly, it was put to an end after the park's power went down and someone stole some embryos from the lab. This resulted in the Isla Nublar Incident for it was a catastrophic event, in which several people died, and the park facilities had to be abandoned. The aftermath of the incident pushed InGen to the verge of bankruptcy, and ultimately set the stage for other catastrophic incidents down the track.

To save InGen, John Hammond's nephew, Peter Ludlow, decided to take over InGen as its new CEO and try to bring the company back on track. He decided to use the dinosaurs as an attraction. But instead of cloning, he wanted to capture the dinosaurs from Site B, Isla Sorna, to reduce budget expenses from cloning and bringing the dinosaurs to San Diego, California, for the new theme park called Jurassic Park: San Diego. Bringing the dinosaurs to the people. Peter Ludlow only sees the dinosaurs as assets and money-making tools. However, his plan came to a total failure when the ship containing the daddy T. Rex crashed to the docks and a carnivorous predator escaped, wreaking havoc through San Diego, triggering another incident called the San Diego Incident. The people were lucky to be alive after the male T. Rex was brought back to the ship when he heard his youngling's call. And both T. Rexes were brought back to Isla Sorna, with a military escort. InGen was almost at a lost after Peter Ludlow sudden disappearance (He was actually eaten by the baby T. Rex as hunting target), but they were saved thanks to Simon Masrani, the CEO of Masrani Global Corporation and friend to John Hammond, who bought out the company, and used their technology to build a new theme park called Jurassic World.

And this time, this dinosaur theme park is safer...sort of...okay maybe it's a bit safer-ish...with no deaths...yet...You know what I mean!

Anyways, Masrani wanted to bring John Hammond's dream of a dinosaur theme park, he spared no expense in making Jurassic World as it became the most popular theme park in the eyes of the tourists. Children begged their parents to take them there while others go there by winning a prize, buying the tickets, or as VIP. Seeing living and breathing dinosaurs was always breathtaking. These majestic and extinct dinosaurs always capture the hearts of the imagination of people, including the children. The most popular of all the dinosaurs was Rexy, the T. Rex, and the Queen of Nublar. She may be old, but she still has some fighting in her. But that's not all, the tourists came to see the new and scary looking dinosaurs called...

The Hybrids

That's right, Dr. Henry Wu was able to create the first ever hybrids from using different Dinosaur DNAs. He created two fearsome hybrids called Indominus Rex Sisters. They are the most popular attraction on Jurassic World as they are intelligent, strong, and 'scary looking'. Other hybrids that he created are the Spinoraptor (a Hybrid of Utahraptor/Spinosaurus) and Stegoceratops (a hybrid of a Stegosaurus and a Triceratops. However, there are three hybrids that don't belong to Wu, they are the Indominus Spinos and the Mortiferous Raptor. These hybrids belong to Renaldo Mortem, genetically made to be as bioweapons, but they are no longer in his control as they were taken in by Jurassic World after the death of their creator. They became the new attraction of the Jurassic World's hybrid exhibit. Every tourist wanted to see the giant hybrids, the kids found them scary and cool, wanting to see what they could do. Even teenagers wanted to see the hybrids. Since basically, the hybrids are the new 'trend' as they teenagers say. And it was not just the hybrids, there were even newer and unknown species called Graboids and Xenomorphs. They were 'out of this world' as the people say it.

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