When a question was finally made towards Emilia, the three drivers at the end of the table were to zoned out of the conference to realise. Sebastian ended up nudging Emilia who then looked up - which made Kimi look up with her.

"Sorry." She apologises.

"Don't worry." The interviewer laughs. "Can we see what your doing."

"Just doodling." Emilia admits sheepishly as Kimi lifts his arm. "I need to multitask to keep focus."

"Ah, I'm the same." The woman replies. "There very good drawings though."

"Thanks, your question was?" Emilia asks.

"Obviously, your car wasn't on its best performance in Monaco. Are the issues fixed and how do you think you'll perform this weekend?"

"The issues with the car were fixed but have yet to be tested. As to regards to performance, that totally depends on what happens during qualifying and on Sunday. I hope that the car's performance will be better than Monaco but honestly, I've learnt recently not to get my hopes up."

"Of course, Monaco was a special weekend with it being 25 years since your father won the race."

"Monaco was a very special weekend so it was a shame that the car wasn't on pace."

"We're you disappointed when you retired?"

"Everyone is disappointed when they retire from a race, but you learn to deal with it. Of course, the disappointment shined more last race because of the circumstances around the weekend."

"Thank you Emilia."

The Brazilian nods, leaning her head on her hand as someone aimed a question towards Lewis again. The woman sighs, feeling Kimi's eyes trained on her as he places his arm back in front of her to allow her to continue doodling all along his skin. Sometimes the Fin thought about getting the things Emilia drew on his arm tattooed. Both of them had many photos on their phones of the them after press conferences with their arms covered in doodles because they had gotten bored and started drawing on each other.

Drumming the fingers of his other hand against the table, Kimi became immersed in watching Emilia doodle on his arm and hand once again, since no questions were being thrown their way and their microphones had been turned off to avoid background noise until they were spoken to, the two of them ended up having a conversation in hushed whispers which didn't go unnoticed by everyone in the room. Hearing Emilia muffling her laughter with the palm of her hand, Fernando glanced over to the two of them and leant forwards slightly again, Kimi turning his head to face the Spaniard and Emilia lifting her gaze from Kimi's arm to involve the other bored driver in whatever it was they were talking about.

It felt like they had been sat in the room for hours before they were finally let out. Emilia pocketed the pen and Kimi didn't roll down his sleeve because he didn't want to smudge the artwork. The group of six walked together out of the media room and down the paddock, Emilia sandwiched in between Sebastian and Daniel as Kimi showed Sebastian what Emilia had spent her time doing during the conference which caused the German to sigh.

"Who got bored in there then?" Romain asks when the group enters the communal motorhome.

"Em did." Fernando replies.

"So did you apparently." Kevin nods to the Spaniard's arm.

"No, that's the tally of how many sexist comments were made." Emilia mutters.

She sits down on the floor with Kimi sitting next to her and putting his arm on her legs to let her continue drawing. The blonde Fin just let his head fall back against the wall as Fernando sat on the other side of the Brazilian woman and started counting up all the tally marks on Emilia's thigh and his arm.

"Where were you hearing all these comments?" Lewis asks.

"There was a group of guys towards our end of the table." Emilia mutters softly.

"Explains why we couldn't hear it." Sebastian sighs. "What were they saying?"

"The usual." Kimi replies.

Emilia didn't look up from her doodling, using the fact she was drawing as a way to stop her brain from going into overdrive. She could feel that stupid feeling beginning to form in her gut and with the added annoyance of the sexist comments made throughout the entirety of the conference, doodling along Kimi's arm was the only thing keeping her sane at that moment.

Daniel watched his partner carefully, him and Kimi both shared a look knowing that something was going on inside her brain at that very time. Especially with how Emilia had her head leant on Kimi's shoulder and was pushed up as close to his side as she could get.

"Why don't we go take a minute." Kimi whispers to her, snatching her attention from his arm.

"Hm?" Emilia asks, blinking a few times. "Okay."

"Yeah?" He catches her gaze and she nods. "Come on."

Everyone cast a blind eye to it as they stood up, Emilia abandoning the pen on the floor and letting Kimi take her hand to lead her out of the motorhome. They walked down the paddock in silence before they reached the McLaren motorhome and walked inside, Zac came up and tried to stop Kimi before the Fin explained the situation and Zac let him continue on his merry way.

"I don't know where I'm going Em." Kimi laughs.

"Oh yeah." Emilia laughs, taking the lead and ragging the Fin behind her.

"How do you not get lost, this is a maze." Kimi mutters, looking around.

"Not as bad as the Ferrari motorhome." Emilia replies.

They did eventually make it to her drivers room and the door swung shut behind them once they entered. Emilia flopped backwards onto the sofa, rubbing her face with her hands.

"Give it some colour." Kimi says, grabbing the pot of colouring pens that she had for some reason.

"Can I?" Emilia asks, grinning like a child as she sits up, crossing her legs underneath her.

Kimi nods, pulling his hoodie off completely since it was hot in the room and handing the pot of felt tips to Emilia who took them with an even wider grin. Kimi then sat down and leant back against the back of the sofa, watching as Emilia started colouring the different shapes she'd made with the pens.

"Is your brain going haywire right now?" Kimi asks.

"Yep." Emilia pops the p on the word. "And the feeling is back."

"The feeling?" Kimi clarifies and she nods. "More towards you or someone else."

"A bit of both, I'll figure it out properly once I'm in the car." She shrugs.

"I should get this tattooed." Kimi mutters.

"No, its shit." Emilia shakes her head. "There are better things to get tattooed."

"There are but nothing I can then say 'Emilia drew it when she was bored' when people ask what is it and what it means."

"Your not getting this tattooed Kimi."

"And what if I did."

"I would boot your arse back to Finland."

Kimi laughed, a genuine laugh which then made Emilia laugh as well.

Emilia always enjoyed seeing this side of Kimi. He was usually rather closed off and iceman like - hence the nickname he'd been granted with - but around certain people he could become the completely opposite and Emilia was one of the lucky people able to see his soft side.


Hey besties!!

So, updates are slowing on both this book and Mon Soleil because I've just finished college for the summer and am being given loads of shifts at both of my jobs so I'm struggling for writing time right now.

But anyways, adorable scenes between Em and Kimi to keep you all happy because their relationship is one of my favourite.

Any other relationships that you guys want me to expand on? Because I need ideas.

Much love,
- Hollie <3

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