|| 2. Diagon Alley (UN-EDITED)

Start from the beginning

As the room's occupants continued to stare, a man approached them, his face lighting up with delight at the sight of Amaryllis. "Oh, Amaryllis, so good to see you!" he exclaimed, extending his hand for a friendly handshake.

Y/N observed the interaction with a touch of confusion, wondering who this man was and why he seemed so familiar to her mother.

"Peter, yes, lovely meeting you," Amaryllis greeted warmly, returning the smile. The recognition between the two was evident, indicating a long-standing friendship or connection.

The man's eyes then turned to Y/N, and he seemed to deduce her identity. "This is your daughter, I presume?" he mused, directing the question to Amaryllis. She nodded gracefully, confirming his assumption.

Peter's gaze lingered on Y/N's bright red eyes, and he commented with a small chuckle, "She inherited her father's eyes, didn't she?" Y/N felt a pang of nostalgia at the mention of her late father, whose memory was bitter to her.

Amaryllis sighed softly, acknowledging the remark. "Oh, you know. The infamous Crimson eyes," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of fondness mixed with melancholy. The uniqueness of Y/N's striking red eyes was something that had often drawn attention, contrasting beautifully with her otherwise big blue eyes.

As they stepped away from the intriguing gathering, Y/N couldn't shake the curiosity that had been sparked by Peter's mysterious words. "So has her... you know, been unsealed?" he had whispered, leaving Y/N furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"Is she the one who'll help the boy?" The cryptic conversation had left her puzzled and eager to understand the hidden meaning behind those words.

"What are you two talking about?" Y/N questioned, seeking clarity from her mother.

Amaryllis shook her head, her expression tight-lipped, and replied, "Nothing, lovely seeing you Peter, we should catch up on a Butterbeer soon!" Evangeline's return to London after twelve long years provided a perfect diversion from the enigmatic conversation.

The others warmly greeted Evangeline, and the atmosphere became animated with cheerful chatter and joyful reunions. Meanwhile, Y/N and Amaryllis discreetly made their way to the backdoor, away from the prying eyes and curious whispers.

Once outside, Y/N couldn't resist asking about the encounter with Peter. "What was up with that?" she inquired, genuinely curious about the man's peculiar choice of words.

Amaryllis shrugged her shoulders, attempting to downplay the significance of the conversation. "Don't worry about it, dear," she reassured, hoping to ease her daughter's concern.

However, Y/N's skepticism remained apparent as she probed further. "You're famous?" she inquired, wondering if there was something more to her mother's past that she had yet to discover. Amaryllis chuckled softly, understanding Y/N's inquisitive nature.

"That depends on who you ask," Amaryllis replied cryptically. "I am somewhat famous, but it's because of your father." The mention of her father stirred a mix of emotions within Y/N, as his untimely departure had left a void in her life.

As they walked, Amaryllis nonchalantly tapped her umbrella against the wall, and to Y/N's astonishment, the bricks retracted, revealing a hidden passage. Her eyes widened, and her mouth slightly parted in amazement at the secret revealed before her.

"Welcome, Y/N," Amaryllis greeted with a warm smile.

"To Diagon Alley," she said, her tone teasingly deadpan, which only added to the sense of magic and adventure that enveloped the place. Y/N's eyes widened with wonder and excitement as she took a step forward, the sheer joy evident on her face.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now