Chapter 2: The Invitation I Couldn't Refuse

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"Come with me" the words still echoed in my mind as I gasped for air. My heart was racing as I wiped the sweat from my face. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I tried to calm myself and looked around to make sure I was safe. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized it was just a nightmare, but then I felt the burning sensation on my face.

I touched my cheek and sensed a scar on my fingertips. It was the scratch that the monsters fingernail had left on my face. I was too scared to look in the mirror and see the damage. I just pressed a towel against the wound and tried to fall back asleep in fear of what I might see.

But then my mom interrupted my frightened sleep and called out to me. I slowly got out of bed and went towards the bathroom to get ready. I looked in the mirror to tie up my hair and saw the scratch marks from the monster's claws still visible. I couldn't believe my eyes. How could the nightmare still have an impact on me after waking up?

My mom noticed the scratches too and asked me what had happened. I was hesitant to tell her, knowing she wouldn't believe me. I was either going to be labeled crazy or in trouble for staying up too late watching scary movies. But before I could speak, my mom suggested it was just redness from the bed sheets rubbing against my face. I nodded in agreement, but deep down I knew that wasn't the truth.

As we got ready to leave for our new home, my mind kept flickering back to the nightmare and the strange marks on my face. What was the meaning behind all of this? I had a feeling it was something I couldn't ignore.

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