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In the hospital once again you laid in the hospital bed feeling defeated both physically and emotionally. Sasha and Peyton rushed you to the hospital after what happened at Joe's and you were now waiting for the doctor to come back to tell you what's happening. You were scared. You had lost a lot of blood where not even on your heaviest days while on your period you'd lose that much. "He's still not answering his phone..."Peyton says coming back into your room. Sasha and him had been trying to contact Joe for far too long now but we're pretty sure he had left his phone at the house before he left the way he did. "Whatever, he'll see the countless calls and messages when he gets home." You shrug not really interested in dealing with Joe right now anyway. "How are you feeling?" Sasha asks. "I'm not sure...I feel almost emotionless at this point." You shrug. "I'm sorry honey, hopefully soon you can put this all behind you." Peyton says giving your arm a squeeze. "Can I ask something?" Sasha looks over to you from her seat. "What's up?" You say laying your head back on the bed. "Why...is it such a bad thing that Joe got the private investigator? Don't you want to find the person who sent you the hospital?" She asks and you ask. "Well he did lie to me about it, but other than that... I just want to avoid him getting caught up again with me in the media. Those weeks of just getting shit on by a punch of people was horrible. If word get's out about any of this, I'll never hear the end of it and neither will Joe. Plus...he really has no right to just take control over the hit and run like that...regardless if I'm having his baby or not. It's my decision on what I want to do with the case, not his. " You finish.

 "Points were made." Sasha nods. "Points were made buuut...it kind of seems like your blocking him out. You didn't let him help you buy a new car, he told me he wanted to help you with buying a house in Rhode island and you said no... I kind of don't blame him for doing this behind your back." Peyton says. "Who's side are you on here?" You scoff. "I'm just saying...he seems like he cares about you, maybe let him in a little. and not just between your legs." Peyton says muttering the last part and you give him a look. You hated that Peyton was probably right.

"Joe told me he loved me." You bit your lip. "What!?" Your friends say in unison. "After my accident, I don't know if it was because emotions were high but he said it twice." You sigh. "Aw!" Sasha pouts. "Did you say it back?" Peyton asks at the same time and you shake your head no. "Are you scared to? Or you just don't feel the same way?" Sasha asks. "I don't know...this is all so...complicated and I don't know what I feel." You answer truthfully. "That's valid but do... you want me to call you sister?" Sasha asks. "No, I can't deal with my family right now." You shake your head wanting to stress them out because that will only stress you out. 

Doctor Anderson knocks on the door and comes in with a nurse. "Hi sweetie, how are you feeling?" She asks grabbing the clipboard. You could tell by her tone and face you weren't about to receive good news. "We're gonna go get something from the cafeteria...want anything?" Peyton asks you getting the hint that you needed privacy. "I'm good, thanks." You shake your head. Your friends then leave the room and close the door behind them. "We've ran a few tests and I'm afraid that  I don't have the best of news." The doctor sighs giving you a sad look. "I lost the baby, didn't I?" You ask biting your lip. "I'm afraid so, but know you did nothing wrong. It could of been the birth control, stress or injury from the accident...anything really. The miscarriage rate is higher than one thinks, especially for first time mothers. Now we're going to keep you overnight for observation and we can discharge you in the morning if everything is okay, your nurse can assist you with anything you need just take it easy." Doctor Anderson says. "Thanks." You nod.

The doctor gives you a sympathetic smile before she exits the room and leaves you  alone with your thoughts. Even though you weren't ready to be a mom and weren't going to continue with the pregnancy anyway, you still felt sad about the way you lost it. It made you wonder about what could of been if you were in a better situation, especially with Joe. Your friends come back and you tell them the news. Both of them giving you tight hugs and consoling you. They stay with you for quite a bit, that is until Joe barges in once again out of breath like the first time you ended up in the hospital.

Ohio Is For Lovers| J.B  (DONE)Where stories live. Discover now