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"Joe, can we talk about this later." You say turning around slowly and he shakes his head no. "Did you take the job?" He asks looking over at you with zero emotion. You couldn't read him at all. "I haven't talked to any managers yet but I do want to take that opportunity." You sigh. "And when were you going to tell me?" He asks getting up from the bed. "Joe...you're going through a lot right now, me telling you that I'm leaving to Rhode Island isn't important right now." You say. "That is important Y/N! You're the only person I have right now where I can be vulnerable and say how I feel. Do you think you leaving isn't going to affect me?" Joe argues. "I understand that but Joe c'mon... what is it that you think is going to happen between us at this point? We've grown close pretty quickly but we have the whole drama from when we were first met over us like a dark cloud, we go public with a relationship...I'm getting harassed for the rest of my days about how I broke you and Emily up and you know that!! Then what if the baby ends up being yours? I'm not ready to play house Joe...I don't even know if I want kids myself and we haven't even gone out properly, we've just had sex... to just be thrown into a relationship I won't be at peace in, with a baby?" You say finally snapping at Joe who looked like you just punched him in the gut. "I think...I should leave." Joe says quickly going over to grab his clothes and he quickly changes out of the clothes I had given him. "Joe- Don't. I think I've heard enough and I have some things to think about alone." He says clearly angry. You sigh not knowing what to say or do. Joe grabs his keys and flings open the door to your room where Sasha and Peyton were caught listening at the door and they tried to play it off by looking for something on the carpet. Joe ignores them visibly fuming and walks past them leaving your apartment with a slam of the door. "Really?" You ask your friends who looked embarrassed. "We just wanted to make sure you guys didn't get to out of control." Peyton says and you roll your eyes.

"We're sorry for eaves dropping but...are you okay?" Sasha asks. "I feel like shit." You sigh running your fingers through your hair. "You shouldn't! I know it's complicated between you two but, he's expecting a lot from you when you only just started messing around with him two months ago..." Peyton says. "Yeah, like he let you get slut shamed by his fans, he was an ass for a good minute there during that time, you two have sex and then now he might be a dad? Have you guys even gone out properly?" Sasha asks. "No, which I did bring up in that conversation." You sigh. "How strong are your feelings for him?" Peyton asks you and you think to yourself for a moment. "Strong enough to care about his well being but not strong enough to sacrifice myself for him or my future." You admit. "I hate to say this but....I think it's time to let him go." Sasha says. "I think so too." You bite your lip.


Three Weeks Later:

Almost a month after your fight with Joe, you're now saving up for your big move to Rhode Island. Even though your job offered to pay with moving and your flight, you were on your own for getting a place. It had been almost a month since the fight and you haven't spoken to Joe at all. You tried reaching out mostly for word of the baby's health...and even Emily's but he hadn't responded so you stopped texting him and left him alone. As for Mariana...you had texted her here and there but you've blamed being too busy with work to actually hang out with her, being to exhausted by everything to deal with her stuff right now. If you were being honest you were 100% avoiding her. "Hey Y/N, someone is here to see you." Your coworker Dani says passing by your cubicle. You sigh hoping it wasn't Mariana, she's shown up before for surprise lunch dates. You get out of your chair and head to the receptionist area and you freeze when you see who it was. "Um...what are you doing here?" You ask them. "I didn't have any other way of getting ahold of you but, do you have a moment to talk? If not I can always talk to you later when your free, I don't want to disrupt your work day." Emily says as you look at her stunned.

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