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"What the fuck are we going to do now?" Peyton asks. It was now 12PM. Approximately about 6 hours after you saw Mariana's text of her and Ja'Marr getting engaged. You were with Sasha, Joe and Peyton at a restaurant just outside of Cincy having brunch to talk about this. "We still need Ja'Marr to find out. I know Mariana is your guys' friend but I can't let him walk down the aisle knowing he's getting cheated on." Joe shakes his head. "Trust us, no one is saying otherwise but we gotta be smart about how we approach this. It's one thing to have an affair while just being boyfriend and girlfriend and that's bad but continuing it when engaged and even married!?" Sasha says. "I need a mimosa." Peyton says clearly over the bullshit. 'This fucking sucks... I really hoped Mariana had changed." You say feeling disappointed. You feel Joe squeeze your knee to comfort you under the table and you give him a small smile. "I don't understand the obsession she has with that man. He's not all that." Peyton says making you guys laugh. "I think it's the rush she gets cause remember he is married and has a family." Sasha says making sense. "Has to be. This just sucks for Ja'Marr the most though." You sigh and everyone nods in agreement.

"I don't know him as well as Joe does here but I have to say this all this came quick. They've been dating since what... last April? She moved in, met his family for the holidays and now engaged... is this normal behavior for him?" Peyton asks Joe. "All I know is that I've never seen him like someone this much and be so committed before." Joe shakes his head. "Wait, did any of us congratulate them?" Sasha says looking around the table realizing we never texted them back. "I never got a message like you guys did, I think Ja'Marr is going to tell me in person." Joe says as we all pull our phones out. "Wait! We can't all answer at the same exact time it will be a bit suspicious." You say to them. "It's been quite awhile too... what if we say the message never came through. She did complain about her phones service where she was at." Sasha says. How could we all be so dumb to not respond to the text message, you thought to yourself.

"She sent it individually though... so that means iMessage would of told her if it was delivered or not." Peyton says. "Then we lie and say us three went out last night and we're just waking up from the crazy night... not to far from the truth we were with each other." Sasha says and you sigh. You look over at Joe seeing the look on his face which made you snort. He looked frightened. "What's with the face?" You ask him. "Nothing, I just feel like I'm dealing with detectives right now listening in on their master plan to catch the culprit." Joe says making everyone laugh. "Oh this is tame, Y/N here can pull up any online information about someone. Sasha has broken into her ex boyfriends house to steal back the stuff she bought him, left no evidence. -I got him an Xbox and he was still talking with his ex." Sasha defends herself makes us laugh. " and I know guys who know guys..." Peyton says leaving Joe stunned. "Where were you three when I was the one getting played?" Joe shakes his head and you all laugh. "But what is Mariana's thing? Joe asks. "Lying." You three say in unison. "She's a damn good liar, she once got out of a state test in high school because she cried to the teacher about her parents divorcing which was completely false. He parents are together till this day, she deserved an Oscar." You scoff.

The waitress comes back with the drinks we ordered and we then order our food. "So, what now?" Sasha sighs sitting back and sipping her tequila sunrise. "We're going to need to basically stalk her and get pictures of the cheating. Mariana is smart she can easily turn this back on us if we just go to her with word of mouth and I don't want this hurting Joe and Ja'Marr's friendship, plus they're teammates." You say to them. "When do they come back from hawaii?" Sasha asks. " Wednesday...it's Saturday now so we have a few days to go." Peyton says. "We should stick to the old plan, I'm not busy during the week since the season is over. I'll get the pictures." Joe says and you all look at each other and agree. "Even though we're doing this for good...why does it feel like we're gonna commit a heist?" Peyton smirks making you guys laugh. "But my question is...are you guys prepared to possibly not be friends with Mariana?" Joe asks you guys and you all look at each other for a moment. "Well, Its gonna suck because we have a lot of memories together and I've trusted her with things that could possibly now bite me in the ass but what she's done and has been doing is not right. I also know if this were to hit the fan on it's own she's gonna bring us down with her like she did the first time. We're getting to old for this drama." You say and Sasha and Peyton nod in agreement.

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