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Waking up the next morning in Joe's arms was a feeling that was unfamiliar yet still felt like home as much as you hated to admit it. The sun wasn't yet shining through the windows, which meant it was pretty early. You slowly tried to reach for your phone but Joe's grip on you tightened. "Nooo..." he whines against your shoulder making you laugh. "I have to text my boss and let her know I won't be coming in today." You chuckle and he slowly lets you go. You reach for your phone and it was barely 7AM. You noticed you had a bunch of missed calls from Mariana and texts as well. "I guess Ja'Marr brought the affair up." You sigh. "Why can't we have one day without drama." Joe yawns. You read the messages and you scoff. "She's basically doubling down and saying she's being falsely accused...also is saying some not so nice things about you for apparently lying to Ja'Marr about her cheating on him." You snort. "Of course she is, why would I even lie about something like that..." Joe sighs. "I'm not going to let her ruin my day today, she can wait." You say getting up after quickly texting your boss that an emergency came up and you . "Woah, come back to bed!" Joe says and you snort. "I have to pee and brush my teeth." You say slipping on the shirt he had given you last night. "Now you're getting dressed!? You ruined the moment." He shakes his head as he laid back down on his pillow. "You really thought you were getting morning sex weren't you?" You snort and Joe mimics you like a child making you shake you head before going into the bathroom.

After you use the bathroom and change you come back out and see Joe on his phone. "Ja'Marr kicked Mariana out." He says. "No.. fucking way." You look at him in disbelief. "That's what he texted me. Apparently not only was she cheating on him but she was using his money to do so. His accountant sent him charges of hotels, dinners...even sex toys and lingerie for her..." Joe sighs and your mouth hangs open. "What the hell is this girl doing..." You sigh shaking your head. "Is Ja'Marr okay though?" You ask. "He said he was going back home for a few days to clear his head and he'd let me know when he's back in town." Joe says setting his phone aside. "Well at least he seems to be taking care of himself somehow." You nod and Joe agrees. 

"Hey...I never asked you but how are you holding up with the whole baby stuff?" You ask him and he takes a deep breath. "I was a lot more disappointed than I thought I would of been...I haven't even step foot in the nursery. I guess I was starting to come to terms with it, getting excited at becoming a dad and then it was just ripped away from me." he shrugs. "I'm still really sorry about that...regardless of the circumstances I know you would of been a really great dad." You say giving him a small smile. 

"Are we still on for breakfast?" Joe asks changing the subject which you respect the hint that he didn't want to talk about that topic any longer. "Yeah but I really need to go home and change though, I don't wanna be in my work clothes from yesterday." You shake your head. "We can stop at yours on the way." Joe says getting up and going to the bathroom, completely taking in the view of his nude body. "Stop checking me out." Joe rolls his eyes. "You check me out all the time and I never say anything! Why can't I do it to you?" You say putting your hands your hips. " Cause you don't check me out, you eye fuck me. Especially when you see my ass." He says covering his bits. "Joe...your penis was quite literally in my mouth last night, stop being stupid and dramatic." You say giving him an annoyed look which made him laugh before he made his way to the bathroom and you very much check his ass out unapologetically. You then head downstairs grabbing your phone before doing so.

Joe eventually meets you downstairs wearing one of his weird colorful pieces of clothing again. You knew he wore it to annoy you but you decided to ignore it and not give him the satisfaction that he wanted. "Are were ready?" You ask him. "Yeah, your car or mine?" Joe asks. "Which ever, I don't mind." You shrug. "You drive." Joe says. "Aw, someone wants to be passenger princess?" You tease. "You damn right I do." You he says following you outside. Joe locks his door and you two get in you car. "Are you taking this car to Rhode Island?" Joe asks putting his seatbelt on. "Yes..." You eye him. "Hm..." He hums. "Are you judging my car right now?" You ask backing out of his drive way. "I didn't say anything!" Joe defends himself. "You didn't have too..." You mutter.

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